The greatest devilish expulsion that exists in the church of Jesus, is the reception of the love of Christ.

Everybody drives out the devil when he receives Jesus.

Because when Jesus comes, the enemy goes.

The Bible says that love drives out fear.

Why then an expulsion afterwards?
There are people with burdens. The load,
however this particular stress in man may be, it does not go away so quickly, even though the light has entered. The light goes to the heart. The things that burden man, on the other hand, are in the flesh.

So what is missing after the expulsion through the love of Jesus?
The burdens in man always lack the unfolding of the love of Christ. If it is lacking, then it also gets clean in quite a few other fields. Pray that the love of God
penetrate you completely and do not expect that from the Lord alone,
but be ready. The Lord is expecting our activity in the matter. We do not need to worry about the Lord Jesus. He is the truth in person. He holds his word. Even more: "If we are unfaithful ourselves, he will still be faithful". That's our God, we have such a god. It would be an impudence if we did not cleanse our body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. What a disillusionment once on the day of the manifestation before the judgment seat of Christ (2 Cor.5: 10).
We speak in the clarity of the word of God. It's about the appearance before Jesus. This is the day of our Rapture. Then we are immediately at the tribunal of Christ. Today everyone can think and do whatever they want. but remember, this judgment before Jesus will come. There the wages are distributed.

The strong one is bound, thank God.
The strong, that's the devil. Who tied him? Jesus did it, then on the cross, he bound him. And I can only say one thing to the faithful here: "If the enemy robs the last thing he still holds in his heart so that he can not hold on to himself, then the struggle for freedom would be much harder." Whoever does not collect the household goods, the This is the fight: collecting the household goods and delivering Jesus, are you in this question for Jesus, are you a collector or are you against Jesus, are you a dissenter? Have heard collecting
It is now clear that as saved people we should now enter the kingdom of God.

Here is finally explained what the household items are.
Beginning in Acts 26, verse 18, it says, "To open their eyes, that they may be converted from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God."
And already against a new concept: what is darkness.
Is not that too general?
Interestingly, this is called two things. Once, it is God's job to open our eyes. It is linked in verse 17 with the mission to the nations, to the Gentiles. We should be opened our eyes. I can only open the eyes they are closed to. And here the conversion is cited, from the darkness, that is, from the dark to the light. In the light we want to recognize Jesus, who said, "I am the light of the world." If Jesus is the light of the world and Satan the ruler of darkness, then we have the word of the Lord that "the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not grasped it" (Jn.1).

Now comes the question that everyone ever asks:
Can children of God be burdened at all?

How far can darkness still be with children of God?
There are believers who are unwilling to acknowledge that children of God can have a bad spirit. Other people YES, but not children of God. Personally, I attribute this to dishonesty, lack of sincerity and lies. For self-deception is fraud. We read in
"For if someone thinks he is something, because he is nothing, he cheats on himself." Here we have the type of self-deceiver, in which he says that if I deceive myself, the neighbor will not be harmed. It is not so. This is a lie of darkness. When we deceive ourselves, it is as if we deceive others. Because we no longer belong to ourselves because of the handing over to Jesus, but we belong to the Lord. I am cheating on Christ. That must be clear to us.

Anyone who kills himself is like a murderer in the eyes of God, even if he murders himself. Because God is the one who gave us life and did not authorize us to limit this life.

Back to conversion, after conversion and salvation through God's gift of the Holy Spirit, it continues. The Lord Jesus has led us out of the darkness to His wonderful light. We have completed the conversion. The moment Jesus enters us, there is a tremendous change, a change to the eternities of eternities. We receive total forgiveness over the full extent of the guilt. This includes the guilt of the individual and also the guilt of the forefathers.

Now a little note.

The basic terms are:
1. Forgiveness of "sin" and
2. Forgiveness of sins.
The Bible essentially distinguishes "sin" from Adam and "sins" that we do. In the question of original sin, we have no forgiveness. Original sin has come to us through the surrender of the flesh from our forefathers. We are only thinking of a Bible passage, Romans 5:12. In Romans 5:12, the Scripture states this very precisely: wherefore, as by one man is entered into the world, and death by sin; so, after that, all that have sinned:
The resume is: If God forgave us sin, the original sin, then we would not have to die bodily.

There is a new creation.
We go to the Bible passage 2. Cor. 5.17.
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation. The old has passed, see everything has become new ". So, we are told that children of God can not be burdened: no, everything has become new.
Dear brother, but then I have some questions to ask. They know the word of God ...... Did they get new flesh in their conversion? Then they start to wonder. Then you realize that something is wrong. "No," they say, I do not believe I have received Jesus. Then I say, why do you say it's all new? There is something wrong. Have you got a new "flesh?" I want to see it, this "new flesh." No, it's the "old flesh." It reacts when you annoy it, it ignites and gets angry or angry I am still the old person as before, no, that is also a false statement.
We did not get a "new flesh". Our soul was saved. The next question would be, has Christ improved or repaired our old flesh? No I do not think so. On the cross, the "old flesh" does not matter. It is on the cross of Jesus for our sins? What did Jesus do on the cross? He saved our souls on the cross. Since our soul is associated with sins, it has taken away the sins and saved the souls. The cross connects us with eternity. That is doctrine of the Word of God.

a new attitude to the flesh
By the salvation of his blood, we have a new attitude to the flesh. We are taken out of the law of death. We have changed over to the law of life. This happened with the willow birth. We have the old meat. We have to accept that because it is the doctrine of the Word of God. And how is the old flesh to be treated? The apostle Paul makes a statement: "consider sin to be dead". "Hold on to it," he says. "Hold on". So we have something to do now. Our life with Christ is now completely in our hands. We are fully responsible for that. And how do I have victory over the old flesh? To keep my flesh in death. That is the entire secret.

Well, many doubt despite faith in Jesus. The doubt began in the Garden of Eden. Since the devil brought the first doubt to man, there is a desperate humanity. That's the effect of a doubt. They doubt the meaning of life. Or they deceive themselves about the purpose of life and doubt the salvation of Jesus. Jesus wants us all to help, that God gets glory. Doubt is an area that should not be underestimated. I am even convinced that the enemy has the Church of Jesus in this matter in their hands. It does not have to be that way because we have the liberation of our ancient nature in Jesus. That's the wonderful thing. In Jesus we have come out of the power of Satan because of my flesh, and I have to go against all my feelings. I have to break away with all my thinking. Because the enemy is primarily engaged in the thought and holds there the emotional areas of the people in his hand.
The devil is effective in the area of ​​feeling against other people; with disinclination. In the moment when the individual, who is burdened there, wants liberation, he must be with the pastor a heart and a soul. He has to fight in a spirit with the pastor, otherwise it makes no sense. The devil is so awfully smart and cunning, he knows exactly where he can hold each one. He must, if we behave properly. He goes, that is 100% clear, when we are ready to be completely in the presence of the Lord and humble ourselves constantly. For it is to destroy every spirit of darkness! And to the last, you just have to know how! And that starts when I humble myself constantly before the Lord. Then the other people come back and say, "What, you have no faith, if you keep praying like that." That's what they say. They are only tools of darkness. Even if they have a very clear gospel. They are tools of the enemy, because they no longer humble themselves. Yes, of course, it also takes a maturity to understand that. The liberation that we have here from the power of the enemy here described requires maturity.

Every burden in believers is a sign of weakness of faith. If they were stronger, they would not be in there, very simple. It also became clear to me that the enemy can not hold because of the increase in faith.
We can learn this today that liberation does not begin with the exorcism of the devils, no, it does not start there, but it must be made to come into intimate communion with the Word of God. That's where it starts and if that's not the case, then the devil gives you occupational therapy and you can drive out 20 years of devils and you can not finish, they split off faster than how you get them out.

The devil is your father.
By nature, John 8:44, Satan is our Father. Did we read it correctly?
Anyone who is not saved by the blood of the cross, his father is the devil. He has a strange father. I have to say that. Oh, that was all our father by nature, from the flesh, but here at the conversion there is a change. There comes another paternity through the new creation, which is not after the flesh. This new creation, which is in Christ, came about through a new fatherhood, our Heavenly Father, through Jesus our Lord, and that gives our hearts a new courage to know that we now belong to this mighty God. And the "old flesh"? This can also be found under the rights of the enemy. We belong to the Lord, our personality is not in the flesh, but in the soul. There is our individual, the personality of man belongs to the Lord. Now we could say, "Yes, let him do what he wants with his body." Yes, well, as long as we are still alive, quite terrible battles take place, which are not for the glory of God. And our life with Jesus should now be brought into the obedience of Christ, for there is the miraculous victory of Jesus there. The body is transformed into immortality through the death of Jesus on the cross. The cross reminds us that Satan was our father. God sees everyone individually on this earth, he has an eye for everyone; the eye of God rests upon every one who has come to Him. Do not be unwise. Even the devil overlooks none. We who have taken refuge in the Lord, we belong to God. Now imagine the following: God from Heaven looks on this cursed earth, he only sees judgment and curse and sin and there are suddenly some who have given their lives to God through a confession and a decision. These said, "Lord, forgive me my sins, I am a lost sinner. Save me out. And God does it and then comes the next. That is the salvation from the "darkness to the light".

out of the power of Satan to God
And now it goes on: "And out of the power of Satan to God," not a new gospel, but that is the Old Gospel. And now the gospel also brings liberation from Satan's rights. And God sees this cursed earth, which is at the mercy of burning. 2.Petr.3,10-12,
10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass with a great noise, and the earth shall be burned up.
11 Seeing then that all that is said to be resolved,
12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

And there he sees people who are saved from annihilation. And what does that have to be for the devil? He sees the children of God. In them he has the rights in the body of the flesh, and they fold their hands and worship God! And their feet are lovely because they testify to the word of the gospel and give testimony of Jesus. You, where do your feet accompany you? Where are you going? Do you still have a tendency to disco? Do you still have a penchant for sinful things? Do you still have fights when you go to prayer or read the bible? You, there 's something wrong, the ALARM light flashes. There is something wrong. The devil has his fingers in there. You have to cleanse, that's what it's about. And if you are not ready, then it stays and gets worse and worse. I must say, I believe, that is a tremendous triumph for our Lord when he is the children of God,
who are ready to give glory to the Lord Jesus. Children of God who fight and fight for the glory of God! That's something that will only be seen in the glory of heaven.
Children of God may be weak, but when they are ready to give glory to the Lord Jesus, they are heroes. You will be amazed, as well as the pay fails, quite differently, as we have thought. We do not know how many battles are fought for the glory of God. We often do not know anything about their extent. But we suspect that there are many stories where God was enormously glorified. The Lord Jesus wants to give us more and more light. Here it says in 1 John 3: 8, "He who does sin is of the devil".

Some Questions
Are you from the devil when you have given your life to Jesus?
No, not anymore.
But are you still sinning as a child of God?
Yes sure.
There come, through the seduction of Satan, people in a so-called "Norwegian doctrine", which teach there sinlessness. We warn very, very much against this heresy. The Bible says in 1 John 1: "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves." Again self-deceiver. Let us not get carried away.
Children of God, though born of the new creation children of light, begotten by a divine seed and come to the rebirth, but the old flesh is what still sins. It can sin and it will sin. We have no excuse and no excuse, even for a sin. But that is a fact that we sin daily. It is a sad fact that our Lord will not please us, but the Bible says, "If we have sinned, we have an advocate, a steward with the Father. We have to arrange the things in which we no longer come to the Lord as lost sinners, but as those who have found pardon and reclaim daily His grace. That's just the necessary.

He came to destroy the works of the devil

Here it says in 1 John 3: 8 that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, may now be said the following:
The enemy knows us better than we know each other, and the enemy always comes to the weakest point. We ourselves are not able to oppose ourselves in our own strength, in our own wisdom, in our own authority, in order to have victory.

It may be that we do not have the spiritual weapons to fight the spiritual struggle in which we have from the beginning the promise of God, the victory given to us in Christ Jesus. The enemy will always endeavor to draw us into some kind of guilt.
That's his principle. The moment we are solved, all paths are judicially cut off. He is now in a very terrible state that he can no longer sustain in the long run, for the Word of God is now entering with full force. He can not hide anymore, either he will appear, then there will be a tough argument. This revelation looks quite different. The enemy has, depending on which powers are in it, how the individual person is stored, so the enemies will always be in the game of hide-and-seek in order to decimate, harm and control it , In doing so, the enemy uses the organs, the musculature, the organs, especially the senses. By occupying these three organs, senses, musculature, one can speak of an obsession in perfect condition.

It may be that the person in question does not appear outwardly to be obsessed, it does not have to be. Because the obsession in the imagination of the faithful today is nothing other than a Gergesene. Some only understand an obsession when someone walks around like the one they read.
Matthew 8:28 And when he comes to the other side of the Gergesenes, there is two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, passing fierce, so that no one might pass by that way.

This also proves the ignorance in these things. Conversely, it is also, the Gergesene was a obsessed. His symptoms were a case of severe obsession. The level of the enemy's action is the lie. That's why the devil will always come with the lie. The enemy does it this way: The word of God says: "All kinds of evil thoughts come forth from the heart." Of course, this is not possible without the brain. There are connections between the heart and the brain. This connection between the formulation of our thoughts in the heart and the language that comes out of my mouth, or that I do certain actions, that is the symptom. The recognizable of an obsession.

This is a whole process, a reaction, that I pick up something heard through the ear, process it into the heart and brain and bring it to the execution body parts. For example, to take a step now or do an action with my hands.
So I can let out my very specific, what moves me from inner life ago, to the outside. Now most think, that's us ourselves. But where such powers are there is a lie. The enemy pinches himself exactly at this neuralgic point and injects his thoughts with him, in which the person no longer thinks, feels and acts objectively, although in reflex the burdened thinks that he himself is master of his thoughts, but he is not neutral, it is not objective - that is impossible in these cases. Therefore one who is burdened can never be questioned in the objectivity of his burden to which he is subject.
For example, a tongues speaker will never think objectively, can not judge about these things he says because he has such speech-spirits. And how and why they frequent him, we know that.

This is exactly in other areas that man has entered. That is, in all the sins in which we have become Satan, we are no longer objective if we possess such spiritual powers. We do not say that every illness is devilish. This is nonsense. Of course, the diseases are ultimately a consequence of the sins of Adam, we know that too. We've become so smart by now. Of course, there are diseases that we can absolutely say are from the enemy, they exist, but we do not want to go into that now. At any rate, the enemy will be anxious to dominate this believer, that is why he seeks incarnation in the flesh. After all, there are ghosts who make use of human beings through bodily incarnation, and they take possession of the most important senses, organs, musculature, and thus they dominate man. Man means that he is free, that he is objective, yet he is no different from a puppet, even as the child of God, of the enemy.


Here we have the picture of the free will decision that is sovereign. This decision is and remains sovereign. We think of the hard-possessed person. I ask the question, could the devil have prevented him from being saved? He could not prevent that, because the coming to Jesus is sovereignly free for every human being. Another question is why they do not come. That's another question we do not want to discuss here.

But it is clear that if such a highly obsessed Gergesene (Gadarener) can not be prevented by the enemies from falling to the feet of Jesus, then another of us has no excuse that he did not come to Jesus. There is no excuse. This will to go to Jesus determines eternity in salvation. Man is influenced both by the divine and by the hostile side. But it is in our hands time and eternity to decide. Of course, the enemy will use all prohibited means, including the faithful. He tries to influence the will and now we are experiencing the greatest things, the greatest things you can not imagine. It really was. And if such is put into the light, then we need not be surprised if people suddenly whirl around in the room. The enemy must divulge his territories. He is no longer asked and it is simply a matter of getting free. And if I want it, that is my will, if I want it, then I will not let the devil dissuade me because it is given to me by God in a sovereign way. And there we always have to ask the individual: "Brother and sister, tell me, do you want to be free at all?" And there is always a lack of it. Why did not you go to the Bible class? Why did not you pray? Why did not you read the Bible? And they always have excuses. But that's where God sees our will. God sees if we want. God sees what we want. How do you want to prove to God that you do what God asks you to do? And these are the simplest things: to pray daily, to read God's Word daily, to be present at the meetings of the Saints. Because there in there, the devil has nothing to complain about, because he can not work. When a church or biblical circle comes together from righteous believers,
it will be very bad for the enemies of God

the enemies are bad. That's very clear.


Matthew 4,11

Then the devil leaveth him




