The frist steps after conversion

by Werner Bergmann

A translation from the german original

The words and grammar may appear strange at times inasmuch as this sermon is translated from German

Remark of translator

Part I

It is always a big problem due to manifold variations of teachings among believers to now instruct and address everyone. It is a problem today in the church of Jesus - because the way of teaching in single congregations vary so much and the knowledge and prerequisites differ a lot among the believers.
We will hear teachings in the next days which will lead into profundity.
 Today I want to start a series which to bring was on my heart – of the perspective of new believers that came to faith and found peace with God - how their new situation is like – concerning the dangers of the enemy from outside and inside related with the new situation, but also the blessings linked with the status as child of God, as well as everything that is connected with God´s responsibility and sovereignty, also regarding the communion – how this new believer is to be led right, and our personal responsibility in this matter.

Therefore we want to place these teachings under a Word from the Psalms – we open our bibles and read Psalm 119, 2:

”Blissfully blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and seek him with the whole heart.” (German Elberfelder Bible translation)
Blissfully blessed, the comparative form of blessed to the higher blissful blessedness whereby we are always reminded of the new testamentical incident: Israel displayed in Thomas. Israel, to which is promised blessedness, because they saw and were allowed to believe on base of visible things. But blissfully blessed, the comparative form, are those who don´t see and still believe. The things connected with highest blessedness are in not to see and still receive confirmation and blessing of the Lord because we trust Him. Blissfully blessed – highest blessings of God for humans. Hence those are called blissfully blessed that keep His testimonies. Our testimony is Jesus. We could say: Blissfully blessed who keeps Jesus in his heart, in his walk, his conversation, in his do´s and don´ts. Blissfully blessed those that seek Jesus with their whole heart.
The question of fruitfulness for Jesus depends on seeking Jesus with the whole heart. Far too fast, far too often, we pray: Lord Jesus, with all my heart...But do we also offer the Lord – through a credible walk, and do we bring Him everything which will  correspond to these words: “with all my heart?”

We will then, as the Lord wants, in multiple teachings, start over and over again with that one verse from Psalm 119, 2. And we name these teachings: “The first steps after conversion.” We intend to work with the verse of Psalm 119,2 throughout the whole treatise.

The conversion takes place by the cooperating generated effects of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as we find it for example in Luke 15. The fact that many sinners behold the Light of the world was not alone the competence of the Son or only of the Father or of the Holy Spirit – but the process of salvation of a sinner, to come out of darkness and be “translated into the Kingdom of his dear Son” is a cooperating generated effect of what we call trinitarian side of God.
John 6,44: No one can come to the Son except the Father draws him thither. The first generated effect found on a sinner is never made by the Holy Spirit, but of the Father who draws sinners to the Son. The Father draws sinners not to Himself, but to the Son. Why? Because neither the Father was crucified nor the Holy Spirit, but the Son.

Let´s pay attention to our preaching. Only this is the gospel of the Bible that draws humans to the cross. With a lost person we ought not to talk about the doctrine of predestination but to preach about the cross. Let´s stop to have discussions with unbelievers, with ungodly, about things which the Lord entrusted to His ones. The Father draws to the Son. The Son did fulfill the work of salvation on the cross, and the Holy Spirit practically puts the seal on it; after a genuine conversion and repentance He gives the seal – the new birth. This is the cooperating generated effect of the trinitarian side of God.

The young believers then get to know Christ in general as the true light of the world, as is spoken in John 12. The church of Christ now is responsible to bring these little children of God up in the right way – in the Word of truth and in the first steps of faith which they are granted to make. It is like with earthly little children. They have to be taught and brought up in consideration of their young spiritual age and understanding to develop healthily in faith, as Paul says.
Just as a little child is granted to make the first steps to the pleasure of its parents, there is also an unhealthy development of children when they don´t have the right care and are not brought up the right way. Upbringing is godly. The atheistic human rejects upbringing for reason of the spirit of rebellion working in him. They call it anti-authoritarian. God´s word teaches the upbringing of children.
To the old human it is strange and hostile to let someone bring him up. He is already (pre)programmed through the fatherhood, according to John 8,44, which we received from the devil for the first sin of humans. The devil is the father of our sinful flesh. But, thanks be to God, with those who converted a change of owners did take place. Brothers and Sisters, let us go this way whereby our testimony and by our conversation, our walk, can be clearly seen by unbelievers that our owner is Jesus Christ.

Two things are intended in this treatise:

a) to help those, that take care of the healthy growth of the young converts in single churches to point out specific things in their instructions

b)  to help young little children of God that were convinced by the  gentle admonishing of the Holy Spirit of the need to increase in spiritual age and grace in relation to God and humans – that they are able to get information by themselves of the Scripture about manifold first steps which they ought to take on the new way that is named  “the living way” , the way of faith, in communion with the Father and the Son according to 1. John 1,4.
Therefore we want to reflect the single points that are important to us.

1. Before we ask the most important question for the young convert, who converted do we have to state: conversion is the change of mind and out of that change of way. If I see a believer who´s mind did not change though he converted I have to set a question mark even behind his conversion. There need to be an altered lifestyle. We don´t walk on the old way anymore. Why? Because the Lord our God transformed our mind in giving us the mind of Christ. And if this change of mind and change of way cannot be found it might look bad with ditto.

The most important question for the young convert who repented and did penance and who, in salvation- faith in the Lord Jesus Christ came to Him, now being justified from sin and having now peace with God as we read in Rom. 5, 1 – is: How do I retain the sure knowledge of the immovable fact of my eternal salvation, - not: How do I receive this certitude, but how do I keep this certain knowledge of being saved forever?
There are two kind of new births: normal birth and difficult birth. A  child of God – regarding the normal births now and the spiritual forceps delivery - normal births are like that: Someone who came to the Lord Jesus has assured knowledge of being saved.
       If there is no certitude of being saved that does not mean that there was no new birth. The new birth can take place without assured knowledge of salvation but then there is a red light flashing, because something is not right.
How do I keep the certitude of being saved? In cases like these is presupposed that the believer sees himself as a completely lost sinner and relies alone on the precious blood of Christ, shed for him, the atonement – blood of the mediator, and trusts in the sure unerring statements of God´s Word about the blood of Jesus Christ and its value in the eyes of God.

There is a difference between relying on God´s Word – which is linked with faith – and want of instruction about the Word. These are two totally different things which manifest totally different.
It is at all necessary that our God grants us to view into these problems which (young) believers have with the Bible, because I assume that a good part of Christians is affected by these eccentricities. For every walk without victory in Christ is but a manifestation, a consequence, and not the origin, of walking falsely.

To talk about these things with the salvation – seeking human is the responsibility of the spiritual helping locus where Christians carry out that service of love. They do it, even when the distressed say: ” I don´t seek salvation.”

Do we understand: to lead someone to Christ is nothing but a helping deed. A construction helper is a workmen who does the lowest, simplest work in construction – he just assists where there is want. We are helpers in the spiritual construction, no advanced positions, lest we see ourselves on the place of Christ. This is taking place only in Rome, but not among the children of God. We want to remember that well.

God uses all kinds of circumstances to make lost people aware of their need for salvation. But we can only show the way of peace to seeking persons if we are in correspondence with that way and found in the peace of God, else we are not capable. Or how do you want to show someone this way that you don´t know of yourself, because you don´t walk therein? It is unthinkable. I want illustrate this with a political example. It would be unthinkable that a communist tries to win someone for the NPD (extreme right party). There we note that something is not right. He would be totally crazy. So we will only be able to communicate God´s peace to others if we have His peace ourselves and are found in it. The basis to communicate peace is the love of Christ that constrains us.

There is no helper that can talk too frankly in this respect without drifting away from the biblical topic. Not few conversions have their origin in poor instruction about the salvation. And many believers cannot recover from this poor evangelization all their life. We experienced this a couple days ago here: a baby was born and the Doctor diagnosed there were mistakes done during the birth. There are bitter consequences now. The child will have to carry them all it´s life. Likewise do we have great responsibility in spiritual things. Not a few child sicknesses result from such want of clearness about the eternal non – touchable foundation of salvation in Christ.

I remember a case in the soul – care years ago: A junkie, hearing and reading of salvation in Jesus Christ started praying in intoxication. Since he grew up as catholic he asked a catholic priest, in north - Germany, to lead him to Christ. The priest cast him out. Why? He did not know how to handle this matter.
Through the grace of God he was able to find the Savior, because ceaselessly he was calling to God although he knew Him not.

We all, who are witnesses of Jesus Christ, should proclaim the clear gospel of Christ - and could we at all testify something else than what the Lord told us to preach? – or are we representatives of a company in the Kingdom of God? May we all let God through His grace enable us – and the grace is for everybody, not only for fulltime – job – Christians in church – to do this ministry as seriously, as faithfully in correspondence with the Scriptures as we can. Only in this wise do we help straightway every single person to receive certitude of salvation from beginning on, with entrusting their lives to Jesus. The consequences for those in need are otherwise so monstrous and heavy.

Only those receive the Holy Spirit who come to faith in Christ, John 7, 39; Rom. 8, 14- 16, and especially do we put attention to verse 9. It is an accent of our time today that people want to receive the Holy Spirit through other people. I was in South Germany years ago to give a series of sermons and several people asked for soul-care before the hour. Of the last one I don´t know what made him see me. He declared- in a strong Bavarian accent, to be a believer. I was very happy to hear that and asked him, if he is also born again, because even the devils believe, says the Bible. Who does not believe today? Now this man told me people (Brethren) called him to repent, and he became offensive in words. I said: It is clear – you cannot  repent if you already repented.
The problem was, he never repented at all. Then this misled person wanted to prove me the Holy Spirit would dwell in him. I inquired: Where did you get the Holy Spirit from? He told me the name of a famous Evangelist laying his hands on the Bavarian and ever since he can speak in tongues, and wanted to give an example before me, but I said: Keep your luggage to yourself; I am not interested in it.

We receive the Holy Spirit by coming to faith in Christ as a prerequisite, and not by “coming to tongue–talking”. This is another gospel, and Paul declares “such are cursed”.
   Not we can convey the Holy Spirit. That´s why our assistant – service is so responsible. Very much matters on our behavior in testifying of the truth - if the Holy Spirit can use our maturity to convey His Spirit to the other person.  We have no part of this conveying.

When we, in all our infirmities in which we are, which we are also aware of, have done the ministry faithfully; and the young believer received certitude of salvation – how do we help him to keep this certitude? This is very interesting if you investigate it. Keeping the assurance happens only in the way we received salvation. The blood of Jesus gives them eternal security. For about this salvation nothing can be changed, lest by liberalists  who banish the word “blood” out of the Bible. We have in Christ eternal security because of the firm connection in Him with eternity - think of Ex. 12, 21- 23; 1. John 1,7 or Col. 1,20. God´s Word alone guarantees them personal certitude of salvation, 1. John 5, 9 -13. We can never overrate the blood of Christ and what God thinks about it, and says about it in His Word, but we always rate it of too less capability.  It becomes visible in our walk of faith.
He cried out in John 19,30: “It is finished!” He, Jesus, did it - through His Word. This is at the same time your certainty in life and death and a glorious certitude. He - this Lord- keeps His Word forever. Every single one is called to believe it. In His atonement we have our justification.

2. How do I as a newborn believer face the attacks of Satan, who starts whispering right after repentance?

We know that kind of serpent - whispering already from Genesis in the first chapters, saying: “You are not saved at all.” Did he tell you this, too? “You are not saved, because you don´t feel it.” I have to  tell you: I never felt- till today- that I am saved.
It is also a problem of today´s time over which many stumble who are really children of God. They listen to the noise of the serpent. Dear Brother, dear Sister, pray the Lord may give you an ear to listen to His voice, the voice of the Shepherd, not the enemy. The Lord Jesus said: “My sheep hear my voice.” O Friend, you have a right to hear His voice clearly, but you can only perceive so if you reject all serpent- whispering, and also ask your Lord to enable you thereto in grace.

This evildoer wants to discourage and pull you down. We had Christians with extreme problems of those kinds in soul-care. The enemy wants to take your joy in the Lord because he grudges it. He envies us for what we inherited in Christ and what we have become in Him. He is sheer annoyed that the glory of the heavens is promised unto us. He is green with envy.

After all the joy in the Lord is our strength, the New Testament predicts. The same is written in the Old Testament. Open   Nehemiah 8,10, and read. How wonderful prophesies gave the Lord already in the Old Testament: “Then he said unto them, Go ye your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord; neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”
You know, this is a personal question to us: Is the joy of the Lord our strength at all? Or do you strengthen yourself in other things? What do you strengthen yourself in? Do you know how to find out what your strength is? Where you flee to – that is your strength.

This is a problem of our time today as well. Some believers “flee into” sleeping pills. It is their strength. Some “flee into” alcohol. It is their strength. Some flee into the world of TV. They say: “I have to switch off (relax); I have to finally see something else”, so they put on TV. Also do we take care of people who don´t leave their bed four days long, besides using the bathroom. There are all sorts of problems in soul-care, believe me - Believers taking refuge in – I say it frankly, as Luther said: Guzzling. I know one Sister, else she is normal -when that mood, comes to her she starts guzzling. Mostly she bought four bags full of food and does not have enough space in the refrigerator so she guzzles it within three days. You will not believe what sort of problems that creates.
What does God´s Word say? The Lord is our strength. Therefore take refuge in Him! How unnecessarily much is Jesus dishonored and offended when we hold on to other things.

He is our strength – which has nothing to do with feelings. Feelings can never constitute a secure foundation of salvation. Believing  this is believing in an illusion. Feelings change like the whether. In contradiction to the forecast you don´t know how you will feel tomorrow. The real faith is in us without confirmation of feelings. Emotions and moods are linked with the old human. You are a carnal Christian if you build upon these things. Experienced Christians never believe in feelings, as beautiful as they can be, because they deceive so often.

A couple years ago one Brother and Sister married, and I sometimes make a bit fun and asked her: “Well, Sister, how do you feel being married?” She answered promptly: “It is a very nice feeling of safety.” Sister, this is not safety.

Also do feelings cease when the are tested on value and permanence. Let me tell you: Take out all feelings of your faith – life tonight and look what is left the other day. This is the real faith, then. Or do you think you can serve the Lord Jesus with forgery? Feelings have their basis in the sensual realm and not in the spiritual realm. This is a difference. Who of course cannot recognize that...
The whole modern mysticism of our time from the spirit of tongues to the spirit of visions to the spirit of dreams and the spirit of lie -they are all one spirit – exclusively move in expressions of feelings.

Therefore the Scripture knows no testimony of the soul because of all soulful things. (Taken from the German Bible, Elberfelder from James 3,15; Those are all feelings of the old human as well as imagined “holy” feelings, rem. Trans.)
Did we ever notice that neither the Old Testament nor the New Testament has a testimony of the soul? There is no such thing but  a testimony of the Spirit, 1. John 5, 6 – 9, also Romans 8, 16. It is written clearly, we just have to read the Bible. The testimony of the Spirit manifests itself by faith through trust in the written Word.
Joy in Jesus, peace of God and the love of our Lord in our hearts are neither imaginations nor feelings, we want to remember that well, but they are possessions which confirm the Word of God. Their power is proofed best when all soulful and carnal feelings fade away; in this moment the power of faith comes to the forefront in the believer and will become his main awareness.

Now here is a problem that we have to face everywhere and over and over again in soul-care: When affliction comes to the believers they try in 85% of all cases to fight with their feelings instead with their faith, because it is so weak. The soulful, emotional things will fade away.
May we never mix up the fruit of the Spirit that we have described in Gal. 5,22 – joy, peace, love and so on - with feelings. There is no connection between them. Christians oppose the enemy with the Word of the Lord and the fact from John 6,37: The Lord, the Mighty one, took us up – is written. And now it depends whether we apply this truth, with our faith, to withstand the enemy.

I beseech you to thank the Lord everyday on our knees and as long as you have knees for the precious certitude of faith made for us by and in Christ- in Him and in His Word. Continue to beat the enemy therewith, who is already defeated on Calvary´s Cross.

After all, my Brothers and Sisters, the devil lies only to saved people “You are lost.” He does not tell unbelievers they would not be born again. They either could not classify it and least, he puts their attention on the necessity of their salvation. But you are a child of God that needs sanctification besides the newborn soul and whole taking up of that faith which was made for us in Christ by His grace.

Part II

We continue our treatise and read Psalm 119, 2 again: “Blissfully blessed are they that keep his testimonies and seek him with the whole heart.”

Nobody will be once in eternity who did not seek Jesus with the whole heart, absolutely nobody. The question is: Does God see in us those that did seek Him – not a little, not one Sunday, but  with the whole heart? Ditto means that there is no gap left within. The Lord Jesus expects an unconditional surrender, because He wants to meet us which means to move into our hearts.
Among the Christianity in Germany it is similar like everywhere: They think it suffices to have some kind of christian confession. That´s not true. We do need, here on earth already, a personal meeting with Jesus, a personal decision, but also to receive Jesus personally in our hearts. And the Lord Jesus does not move into every heart- He does not even think to do so. The Savior wants to move into those hearts that seek Him wholly.

3. It is very important and for a young convert outstanding important to pray and give thanks daily and as often as possible. Thereon remind us those two terms in the Bible: “Watch and pray”. I believe watching belongs to prayer; because when we fall asleep we cannot pray. It is necessary to be watchful to prayer. For our prayer will only be heard if we focus all our senses on the will and matter of Jesus Christ. Tiredness and sleepiness is out of place right here. Therefore the first time of the day belongs to the Lord Jesus. In the Old Testament they had to bring the first fruits into the House of God and in correspondence thereto we offer our first or best time of the day to pray to Jesus, when we are not plagued by tiredness. We should always take the best things into the House of God.

This watching prayer should be combined with the precious Word of God. We should get used to read the Bible while praying and to pray while reading the Bible. Every believer who took up Christ into his heart needs this nutrition daily. So every child of God should have its own Bible and, if possible, the most accurate translation like the “Elberfelder” (or King James Version, Rem. Transl.). Only with the Word of God are we at all able to victoriously overcome   most of the attacks of the enemy,  of the world and the own flesh.

To those attacks belongs also that the snake tries to tie us into the lusts of this world and of the flesh with our own will and person.
We are not at all capable to face the enemy with our human intelligence. The devil is too cunning for us - we are no match for him.                                                                                         That´s why we need to give ourselves completely over to Christ, because only thereby a life of victory with Him will be possible. Let´s simply focus on living only like Jesus, talking only like Jesus and do only what Jesus did and therefore it is essential for us to know the Bible. Otherwise we are not able to live as He did. The Bible states: “But if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another.” 1. John 1,7.
The question is: Are we at all able to walk in the light as Jesus did? - Yes, of course, else the Bible would not confirm it. On base of the forgiveness, given to us in the blood of the Lamb, it is at all times feasible for us to walk in the light as He did.

One thing must be clarified first, though: Does the Lord know us in general as humans of light? Oh, if this is not the case, if His light does not ray through our hearts, if Jesus did not move into our hearts we are completely lost. Therefore the Lord Jesus came into this world; to save the lost ones.

One of the strongest bonds that we know of among believers are those related to the self, that cover our personal human being with a monstrous net which also goes through us - while we have no idea about it. We only notice it when when trying to become a little bit like Jesus Christ. All of a sudden an obstacle “appears” and hinders us  - many become discouraged at that point. But this is the wrong behavior.
We should, from the first moment on, make an all-out effort to more and more reach Christ wholly by reading the Bible and by prayer. The things of the world and those gained by the “I” pass away, tells the Bible in 1. John 2,15 -17. Humans who take hold on perishable things are like someone gathering snow in wintertime into the cellar to build a snow - man in the summer. Impossible, because the snow will disappear. As the snow cannot stand the summer heat, our earthly life will claim once from us: Where did you take hold on? On things perishable? Then you will perish with them. (Told to foolish virgins; for children of God is loss of reward, Rem. Trans.)
That´s why Jesus must be entirely in our heart, that He lives in us, (clarify if we are born again, Rem. Transl.) that He is the one who daily hour by hour guides us. We have to know that. We need to have that. This is fellowship with Jesus.
There will be nothing nice for a person who once escaped the world by the love of Christ and is overcome by the world again, 2. Peter 2,20. We have to flee the world. By that God´s Word means not to think about suicide – no. It means to flee the character of the world, to flee the perishable things.

Also we want to be mindful on Christ´s total dying in our place; and even though we only gradually understand this in faith we can yet consider ourselves dead with Christ. The Lord Jesus did not die a little bit, but completely. It is a mistaken doctrine against the Bible to claim Christ would not have died on the cross, although God´s Word teaches it. Christ died on the cross and nowhere else. Now to whom or what did He die to? He, Jesus, died unto sin. Whose sin? Unto mine and your sin. The Bible says “He lives for God”, Rom. 6, 11. Our Savior died in connection with our sin but He did not stay in death and rose again.
Who came to Christ through dying unto sin and humbly received eternal life can, since he died with Christ, live in the likeness of His death together with the good Shepherd unto God.

Whatever children of God live – they live it unto the Lord. Now we take a look at our lives with Jesus. Do you live this your life unto God? We have to be clear about that. This is what we offer God. Or do you live this life unto yourself? Or do you live for perishable things? O, Jesus is not perishable. Jesus remains. He is the Word. The Bible declares everything passes away and only His Word will stand, and as our Lord so do we. By what? By faith in Him we are placed on the ground of resurrection which Jesus created at Easter where we – full of faith in the promises, can consider ourselves dead unto sin and are able  - like Him – to live unto God a new life in a resurrection state .

This means for us more and more to read His Word, to get to know Jesus and His power and value both but also learn how to use and to apply it. This is the reason why the Lord Jesus did not take us away from the world right after our repentance. In the High- Priest -Prayer does the Lord not ask:”Take them out of the world right now.” There is clarified if the born again, that attained unto eternal life should be better taken out of the world immediately. Jesus prays: “Father, not that you take them out of the world.” Why not? We would all arrive in eternity without reward. Therefore the Lord left us here, to shine as testimony. He wants us to be a testimony and we can be one through our walk.

Paul states in 1. Cor. 1,30 that Christ is everything for us. Christ? Yes, He totally sacrificed Himself for us and now He fully represents us before the Father. Yet can the Lord Jesus Christ be all for us if we don´t give Him freely everything? No.
Therefore, as children of God that belong to Him and are born again, that have eternal life should be thoughtful of the honor of our Savior, so the Lord Jesus may look to the Father, sitting to the right of His throne, saying: “Father, do you see Brother ..., or Sister ...: This is the work of my salvation on the cross.” This glorifies the Father.
The question to you is: Do you glorify the heavenly Father through your walk in Jesus?

Christ is everything for us also through His Word. How does your relationship to the Word of God look like? Does it affect you whether you read the Bible or not? Is it feasible to honor God if you do not value the Bible, knowing that Jesus is the Word?
   A born again Christian who has eternal life is only close to God the more he wants to be taught. Never are stubborn unteachable people close to God. A visible sign of true fellowship with Jesus is the willingness to be taught- not by Jehovah´s witnesses, but through His Word. This is it. Far less they receive instruction from the Spirit if they don´t take instruction from the Word.
We even can say: Only those that receive instruction by the Word do let the Spirit instruct them – and not the other way around!

The modernistic move of worshiping the Spirit which was made modern by Satan in the last time today is a significant example of taking the honor from Christ.  According to the will of the heavenly Father shall Jesus, the Son of God get all honor (John 6,23). Although God is not directly attacked by this still the accents are shifted in giving praise to the Spirit alone and in giving Him more attention than the Bible asks for.
The Bible does not say” for that all honor the Holy Spirit.” There is no demand like that in God´s Word.
     Only he who honors the Son honors the Word, honors the Father and honors the Holy Spirit in reality.

The young convert shall pose questions to himself about everything which he reads of the Bible, namely: How does this part of God´s Word correspond within me? It does not make sense if you read the Bible as duty exercise, because the pastor told you to read it. This is meaningless. I need personal fellowship with the living Word of God. I need to have a connection alive with the Word of God and through the Word with Christ otherwise the Word of God is not alive to me. And if it is not alive to me, it does not live for me, neither.(Jesus only makes intercession for me to the extend I put myself at His´disposal: when I´m saved, for my spiritual walk and when I´m lost He does not save me if I block Him, Rem. Transl.). Jesus lives, because He did not stay in death, but rose again. Therefore God´s Word declares: God is no God of the dead but of the living.

Here we can see a certain practical responsibility in respect of reading the Bible. If believers read books and magazines with ungodly content; or just occupy themselves with such things a little bit, we already know the Lord Jesus does not allow things like that. But the weak in faith do allow such to themselves.
     The Bible says self –betrayers are betrayers as well, written in Galatians. These Christians do not correspond with, but contradict the sense and Spirit of Christ. I cannot on the one hand utter requests before the living God and on the other hand not behave in accordance with Him, or behave like there would be no God. The three times holy God, of whom is written: “He cannot see sin.” (2. Cor. 5) will never accept reading an atheistic book or pamphlet. Someone may imagine so, but imagination does not count before God. Christians oppose the Most High.
May the Holy Spirit fully succeed in getting more and more the practical dominion in us and move us to ask: “Lord, how do you want this to be done? What does your Word prescribe?” And I can say: Yes, there are believers minded like that.

I know a Sister from years ago. She wanted to marry at all costs. For this behavior are several Bible verses: “Who seeks shall find.”, is one of them. And because God did not say “Yes” to her marriage she did it on behalf of her own. She was a child of God - still is. And all of a sudden the will of God was not that interesting to her anymore. First she visited my Brother in the Lord and brought “the good news” of marriage. This may be something very nice, if it is the will of the Lord, though for many people are better if they stay by themselves than carrying another burden around. The Brothers and Sisters clearly asked her: “Is this man born again?” Well, he would not be hostile towards faith; and at the end you cannot look into somebody´s heart, she started to excuse herself. Soon it came out clear that this man was still lost and the Brethren gave a serious warning to the Sister to not marry him.
What did she do? She stopped going to our church and went to one pastor that I know. He is also a child of God. And she asked him if the Bible allows her to marry that man. The pastor asked: “What denomination does he belong to?” - “Protestant.” “Well, then you can marry him without problem.”  So they got married and we heard nothing from her one and a half year, and then there came letters, thick, thick letters of many tears and much distress, of unspeakable distress.

Dear Brothers and Sisters: Why is it so hard for us, who belong to the Lord – to obey Him? Why? It is the only way He prescribed. Many things are not that important as doing the will of the living God.  And what if we don´t do it? Then the Lord will not be with us. Then we just will walk ways of tears.

You can only thank for the precious Word of God, instead to rebel against Him, remember that.
But you can only thank for the wonderful Word if you have a way with it and have fellowship with it and not with things that God did forbid. Prayer is the breathing organ and the Word is the digesting organ. Without functioning lungs or stomach we will obviously die. Spiritual dying happens to the walk and testimony of born again Christians in the church of Jesus. We need both organs functioning and a working circulation to stay alive.

4. The believer, once he came to faith – he may be young or old – has to be taught more and more and always to be motivated to look on Christ. Then the world, sin, self and the temptations of humans etc will become small. In the moment where perishable things claim their tribute on our character it is obvious we did not get to know Christ as He wants to be known. Then we have not received His blessings yet and do not yet know of the deep communion which we can experience with Christ. And He offers  ditto to every one of His ones. And if we don´t possess it? That means we did not take the offer. In faith in Christ do we win power, says Phil. 4, 13, to overcome this world. This excludes our human personality completely – no fame for us. We are not able to guide or protect ourselves on the way through this world.

We shall be conquerors, also in the matter of suffering.

There are two types of sufferings:
a) self-caused sufferings
b) sufferings without one´s blame

 We never see the first type of sufferings on our Lord and therefore we are never supposed to go through them as well. Examine the New Testament. Tell me where the Lord Jesus had to go through self–caused sufferings. Even His walk to the cross was not self-caused suffering but our blame; God´s Word instructs us very clearly regarding this in 1. Peter 2,20 or 1. Peter 4, 15 etc. So if the precious Word gives us such an instruction then it is possible to walk without self-caused sufferings by intimacy with Christ. By studying the Scripture thereon we will receive quite some light about this matter.

Now to the sufferings without blame: We shall go through them even though our old human refuses against it. Sufferings without blame were the part of our Lord. Should we then withdraw from these? If we don´t bear them “our” Christianity is different than the one of the first witnesses of Christ as in Acts or 1.Thess. 3, 3-4 or 1. Peter 2, 19 and 1. Peter 4, 12-13 describes.
Our beloved Lord had to go through many many sufferings caused from the unjust world. And He promised this type of sufferings will also be our part, see John 15, 18-21 and Matth. 5, 11-12. Do we want to be better off than our Lord in this world which rejected Him, the Christ? Do we want to stay undamaged and unrestricted in our desert journey through this world considering that the Lord called us to be His followers? May all young converts learn somewhat about bearing of His humiliation and pain, the humiliation outside of the camp - this world, according to Hebr. 13,13.
Such sufferings for justice´s sake, sufferings for Christ´s sake from the unbelieving world will especially the children of God have to go through because they want to follow the good Shepherd faithfully in all matters where it is necessary to break with the unfaithful and religious world.
With our repentance we shall give unfaithfulness and the religious world basically a fist punch into the face which cannot be hard enough, to point out that children of God do not associate with worldly things anymore.

Many of those who are called Christians dismissed for the ungodly´s sake – take heed: not for the born again believers– foundations of the Scripture like the doctrine about the Holy Supper: Not- born- again lie in confessing to be one loaf and one body with born again, which is not true as we read in 1.Cor. 10,17 and the next verses.     
   Likewise there is also a Bible exegesis saying one would be born anew by physical water – a tremendously dangerous doctrine.
Now if we f. e. received forgiveness of sins by celebrating the Holy Supper no one would be in need of instruction; but the Bible admonishes us to take instruction and emphasizes it´s necessity seriously also concerning to receive forgiveness of sins (Acts 3,19; 26,18)

When one repents in correspondence with the Bible he denied practically every value of religious instructions and ceremonies, which are altogether not biblical. If one now turns his back therefore to such a non biblical organization instructing these kinds of false teachings of salvation, he does what the Bible exhorts us to do in 2. Cor. 6,14-18.
Then he will stand blameless on biblical ground and most likely experience, as first of all Christ, as later on Paul and many more had to experience -the hatred of a lost world and had to suffer quiet some for the Word or the will of the Lord. And this will even increase if one, having grown in understanding, bows himself in obedience of faith beneath the biblical truths of baptizing believers and the Holy Supper of the Lord Jesus (Rom. 6; 1. Cor 11). Those kind of sufferings are absolutely biblical and we are in good company as the book of Acts shows and the suffering history of Jesus the Lord as well.
For He suffered most from the religious world on part of those people that the Son of God Himself called blind leaders of the blind. Let´s take note that the religious world nailed Him to the cross and  remember the like happens numerous times today.
The mass of religious people, also from the christian religion of the Occident does not have Christ in their heart. Only a few of them belong to the Lord Jesus.
Therefore we want to seriously warn to not imitate the world nor the religious world as if you could get eternal life in glory through ceremonies. Only if we believe as the Scriptures says we will be saved.
If you don´t take up Jesus into your heart, if you don´t let Christ move in by confessing your sins as a lost sinner before God and if you don´t let Christ move in by admitting all your guilt, and acknowledging Him as the single one who is able to wash away all sins you will miss the goal. Imitating to be a bible - believer does not help anything at all. May the Lord give grace and lead us to the obedience towards Him as far as we want to obey the Word of God.

Part III

“Blissfully blessed  are they that keep his testimonies and that seek him with the whole heart.” Psalm 119,2

When we consider “his testimonies” it is clear we have to deal it with the testimonies of our Lord and namely the testimony of the cross is relevant for us as we are in the time of the New Testament. Jesus´testimony was to shout out: “It is finished!”, and the soldier took a spear and pierced His side. Then God gives His testimony out of the side of the Lord: Blood and water. Those two testimonies are still valid for us today according to the will of the Almighty. The testimony of His blood is the salvation: He gave His blood for us as  atonement. And the water is there for cleansing as written in Eph. 5,26. Those testimonies shall be kept by us. It now depends on how our walk is like and therefore verse 2 says: “who now seek Him, the living God, in His testimonies.”

 6. We heard about self-caused sufferings and sufferings without one´s blame where it is important to bear the latter for Jesus´ sake. Another type of the same group of sufferings which is biblical suffering many Christians, especially women and sometimes also children, that gave their life to Jesus, and also men go through, caused by relatives that are not saved.
Often this fight is spreading also to the workplace. There Christians can turn into demonic humans or reveal themselves as such. Their name might be written in the church register but they reveal as demonic humans with Satan speaking through them. At the workplace as everywhere the Lord cares about keeping up His testimonies through His ones.
The enemy desperately wants to destroy these testimonies, sometimes even using believers to do it. Believing women are often suffering unspeakably. Most of it cannot be seen from the outside but we do get to know much distress in soul – care. Many other Christians do not entrust themselves to others; they just carry their distress to the spiritual most Holy Place so much of it stays unknown.

What should be done then to relieve it? The Brethren and I believe that some women can shorten these biblical sufferings or reduce them in beginning to understand there is no biblical reason to cling  to a misunderstood sanctification in her subjection to the husband. God wants the wife to be in subjection to her husband. But if the same – he may be a believer or unbeliever – acts against the will of God in any wise, the wife – and this is for all of us – does have to “obey God more than men” (Acts 4, 19).
I think in first place the women have to fight a hard battle to not miss Bible hours or Services on Sundays for love toward their husbands. This is a completely false consideration toward their men which the Lord will never bless. Through this false behavior they participate in evil deeds, being subjective to the archenemy in the end and obeying him.

The Sisters should as well confess the Lord time and again, but never preach into their unbelieving husbands. This is absolutely senseless! Therefore I know the men too well. Although Sisters do quote this Bible verse to me: “Then thou and all thy house shall be saved:” Acts 11, 14, there is no additional remark, though, that believing women shall hammer the gospel into their husbands- maybe we noticed this. Because we attain exactly the opposite. These men will become hard, even harder than they already are. The Sisters should at all not talk much about the Lord with their unbelieving men except they open up – and one will notice that. Rather they should talk much about their unbelieving husbands with the Lord, which means: to pray for them. We in soul - care discover over and over again that prayer comes short. One thing is for sure: the method helping best and greatly is when we go into the Most Holy Place much time many times, carrying in our problems and distress. Then God will fulfill His precious promise from 1. Peter 3, 1- 4 for those Sisters, and everyone acting alike. But God will never fulfill promises if we walk outside the written Word of God.

There is also a persecution even among believers when one of them  steps out of religious indifference in order to walk wholly with the Lord, as 2.Timothy 3,12 describes. By their walk in  correspondence with  God the unfaithful are judged. They feel judged and therefrom arices hatred. This is a type of sufferings without blame as consequence when we, on base of a faithful walk with Jesus become an offense to others. We shall never give offense to anyone on basis of unholy behavior, but we are allowed to become an offense or stumbling block to others on basis of a walk in accordance with God.

7. A totally wrong type of suffering  in young Christians result from the conviction they would have to leave their (earthly) profession. They think following Jesus means to leave everything at once - but only in very few cases the Lord wants us to be totally separated for serving Him. Very rarely does the Lord – He Himself – take young believers out of their earthly profession to serve Him, Christ, in particular.
His will is that most young Christians are proved in their spiritual walk first and this is critically important as preparation for further matters in faith life. Yet many wish to serve God in full time while they don´t know the Bible, neither the will of God. This is a dangerous issue in today´s time.

The very same was the handicap when Barnabas and Paul took  John Mark along with them in the severe evangelistic mission. This Mark, who wrote the Gospel of Mark, who´s surname was John –  was not proved in practical walk yet. Paul did not want to take Mark with them a second time. Barnabas surely had a good ability to judge, yet he took Mark with himself and persisted Paul, just because he was the uncle of Mark. We see that relatives can actually often blind us for the sharp understanding of God´s will.
They shall conduct a God – pleasing walk and prove themselves therein before Jesus separates them from their profession for Himself and His service, and He will need but a few outside. Never shall a newcomer serve Jesus full time right away, as 1. Tim. 3, 6 states: “not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.” God expects us to be tried and tested first, according to His Word. Most of the missionaries are on the field firstly, because they eagerly want to be at Christ´s disposal. Take heed to this sentence. Not Jesus did place them there, or secondly, they were not yet prepared by God.

Another issue, an excess of our time is the aberration into the so called “christian hanging out” as the “Children of God”  practice it, and other ways astray. It is never in correspondence with God´s thoughts when one permanently does not want to work. The Bible, God´s Word, does even affirm: “Who does not work shall neither eat.” Everyone understands that we have to eat. Who does not understand this may have no five senses. Just as we need food for the body we do need food for our spiritual being.

We can dedicate and live our whole life for Him in most kinds of professions, even to His glory, as Paul writes to the Colossians - our work-life to the honor of God (Colossians 3,23 -24). This instruction is also God´s Word. Maybe we never noticed that. Maybe we do have “better” ideas, but the Bible tells us to work as to the Lord. And if we are not willing to take in our place we rob ourselves the blessing provided which God provided for us, which He wants to bestow upon us at our place, and all this based on our free will.
If God – in the wise foreseeing of His predestination – concerning our filiation to Him, our salvation and our election in Him, has also predestined His blessings, He placed them in the position where He wishes to find us in obedience. If we are not obedient, though, the blessing is in the determined place and therefore the Almighty cannot bestow upon us the same.

I want to illustrate this with an example: An often quoted report of the Bible talks about the prophet Elijah. God gave the prophet Elijah His instruction into the heart to go to the creek Cherith to be nourished by ravens. At the same time God gave order into the heart of the ravens to bring bread and meat. He told the ravens: I prohibit you to eat this, but bring it to a certain place and lay it down there. This was preservation of life in a time of famine.
The ravens obeyed. I believe we can learn something even from ravens. This disobedient generation of humans shall go to the ants and shall go to the ravens to learn from them.
Now it occurs, that believers know everything better than God although God knows everything. They have their own imagination of where their place is. If Elijah would not have been at the very creek where he ought to go and where God placed His blessing; if he would have walked to another river than God put into his heart and into the heart of the ravens, to give and receive blessing, then the ravens would have been there but Elijah would not have any blessing – he would have had no food. That´s the same with the blessings God determined for us: we can only receive them if we are found within the area of His will.

8. I and the Brethren are granted to say that there are services for the Lord for every child of God - and not a few, which every Brother and Sister can carry out. The question is: Are we willing to do them for the Lord Jesus? This is another topic. But there is enough work if you want to. And who does not know exactly where to lay hand on shall just ask and it´ll be told to him. But one thing I tell you up front: You first have to be ready to do everything. If you don´t agree to carry out every base service in the Kingdom of God, Jesus the Lord cannot and does not want to give you work, because you are incompetent. The Lord does not start with big things, only He expects you to be faithful in small things. For if you are not approved in serving with base things, you should give up attempting big things in service. Often the small things are more important for and more precious to the Lord, especially when they are performed with faithfulness and commitment.
The proof of this truth demonstrate the institutions of today´s time,  that call themselves churches and assemblies: There never was preached such an unclear and mingled “Word of God” before.

May those who are young converts learn early to bring willingness to do the basest service. God desires to lift us up. He wants us to stand last in line so the Lord of the house can say: “Friend, go up higher.” (Luke 14, 8-10) But He comments on those who seated themselves up front, saying they will be put to shame before all people when a more honorable men shall take in their place.
We must also know: When the Lord lifts us up higher – and He does it, if we have been faithful in the tasks He gave us – we can be sure  that the Lord will not command: “Go and start a second time from down below.” This humiliation before others takes only place when we took in a positon on our own which we had no right to take according to the Lord.

9. We want to reflect some of the services which all believers can carry out:
a) The most important one first: confess Christ, your Lord, and what you have in Him and through Him. Don´t seek for other work in the Kingdom of God when you are, I may say, a complete failure in this point. Stop trying big things. Confess the Lord Jesus and what He did on you. Then He will lead you into the next services, as soon as you learned this one. Confess Him, Jesus, right away from the beginning of your faith-life everywhere you go. You will save many difficulties in being honest about your new life. Confess Him without timidity through word and walk. Shine. Shine relates to light. Show the light that Jesus put into your heart to other people. Shine for Jesus. Do you understand? Do not go home and say: “Now you can see a light for Jesus.”, no not in this way.

Shine for Jesus, then others will see you. Shine for Him and now the people come. Give testimony from Christ without fear of the possible sufferings related to it. A bond among believers is the fear of men. In some cases people feel this fear on the level of an execution. And because an execution does not endure very long you can imagine what they go through for decades in confessing Jesus or wanting to confess Him in fear of men. I can only feel sorry for this. Why do they fear humans? Because they did not give themselves totally to Jesus. And I can say why: This is the proud heart which does not want to break apart, which is ashamed of Him, therefore they fear humans.

When we confess Jesus and give witness of Him we will have biblical sufferings which God´s Word talks about and which we cannot avoid (1. Peter 1,6 and following). Confess Him. Oh, if we would have more confessing in the church of Jesus there would be much less distress. Remember that Jesus says: “Whosoever shall confess me before men him will I also confess before my Father which is in heaven” (Mt 10,23). This verse does not relate in any way to our salvation or staying lost, but this verse has relation to our fruitfulness to which we are predestined according to God´s will. A genuine child of God, a sheep of Jesus Christ will never be teared out of His hand (John 10, 28). Some do not believe that and they are deprived of much, much blessing. They grant the devil to deprive them through naively believing false teachings for reason of ignorance. The hands of Jesus Christ and the arms of the heavenly Father are strong enough to preserve us in relation to eternity. If we can believe this or not does not change this definite fact. But one thing do you change about yourself: the blessing of God.

I consider this false opinion and exegesis as a work of a liberal demon, that, against the statement of God´s Word we supposedly can go lost again. It takes much courage to fight the Word of God  this way.
If we know nothing and if nothing is given to us by God in relation to His Word, though we would be a preacher we would have then to hold our peace in questions like these. Never are we authorized to  actively preach and fight against the Word of the Lord. There are other powers behind such an activity.
Confessing Jesus is a matter of the heavenly reward. And our wonderful Lord alone was the one who saved us; not we did save ourselves, but this almighty God alone. Him some oppose and say: “No. He cannot save us completely.”

He who saved us is worthy that we confess Him before the people. Therefore God´s Word says: “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Rom. 10,10). Salvation relates to spiritual healing. After we came to faith, healing shall continue- but it stagnates at the point where we don´t confess Jesus with our mouth, then healing is missing in heart and family. For love to Jesus, tell those around you they must have our Lord as well. Let us read therefore 2. Cor. 5, 11.

b) Quite as much important as confessing Jesus is the ministry of intercession which every believer can and ought to carry out. The believers though have tremendous different understanding about this matter. We have been asked time and again: “Shall we at all pray for our occult burdened father?” - Of course, since he is a relative you have to pray twice as much.
“Shall we pray for the ungodly?” - Yes, of course. The Bible says: “for all humans.” You´d have to proof me first that they are no humans. The Bible God´s Word says: “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks.” Four things does God expect from us according to 1. Tim. 2,1 and following. Did you ever think about why Paul names supplications, prayer, intercessions, and giving of thanks? They are four different things. Supplication is not prayer and intercession is not prayer alone. Prayer goes beyond intercession. Giving of thanks is not prayer alone. Prayer goes beyond giving of thanks. But all these shall be part of our daily walk, or become part.
And today the children of God cannot discern anymore between supplication and prayer. May the Lord revive us through His Spirit that we might be led to this deep unity with the Spirit of God. Does not the Scripture say: Who clings to the Lord will be one Spirit with him.” 1. Cor. 6,17 As soon as we realize that there are points we do not fulfill, the unity of the Spirit is lacking or dimmed in the same amount.

In order to pray fervent I need a heart with infinite love for the lost humans else my supplication is artificial. Supplication can only originate from and with love for the neighbour. Let Jesus lay His love deep into your heart first, else rather cry out your want before the good Shepherd than to pray without His love. We shall pray - not alone for the church and the elders and missionaries, but “for all people”, is written.
What a mission the church of Jesus does have to fulfill: The priest ministry for all humans. Just as Levi, the Hebrew tribe did fulfill the priest ministry for the other eleven tribes, so has the church of Jesus the mission to lift up hands in intercession, praying hands for a world which is hostile to God, as single priesthood which has connection to the living God.
This ungodly world, also the religious one, has an overwhelming desire to kill us, to get rid of us. Don´t be intimidated by them; this longing will increase and get out of hand in the next years. Why? We are, by our prayer, a hindrance to these people.
On the other side the church of Jesus is less and less supposed to be on this earth. The moment will come when the Lord calls us away. The foothills thereof can already be seen in the forerunners happening now. If these ungodly humans would know that the Lord who has created the heavens and the earth told us: ”Ye are the salt of the earth.” - they cannot perceive that all the people on earth still live because we Christians are here. Because we are here the judgment of God did not hit them yet. We must come to realize what a meaningful position and responsibility we possess before the holy God even if a modernistic religious world does not understand us because we have the Spirit of the Lord.

We also shall pray for the governments. Brothers and Sisters, if we have an atheistic government today there is not the world to blame for but the children of God. Every single one of us should bow therefore before the Lord. Would we have made more intercession for the governments through prayer, supplication and giving of thanks we would have no atheistic authority. This is a very serious matter.
Naturally we shall specifically pray for the believers. We should think of them in prayer daily, Eph. 6,18. Paul very often asks for prayer, 2. Thess. 3,1 or Col. 4, 2-4. We children of God have a right to ask for personal intercession. We have the right to say: Brother, don´t you have a little time left – about three times a week – to pray for me? You can also tell him what else to pray for, and this is for the Sisters as well, to ask for prayer and pray for others, to carry out this ministry of love. This includes especially the missionaries. They are in great need of spiritual support, fighting in the front place most. But also those in distress, problems, persecutions and pressure need our prayer, as well as the churches,  the elders of the churches and the faith - ministries that are still a stronghold against the darkness. They are thorns in the eye of Satan. The leaders thereof need support in prayer, too, as they are responsible for the faith-ministry. In Acts 12, 5 we get to know something of what intercession can bring about.

c) Another service which basically every believer can do is giving out tracts that are quite cheep to get. It is not right to order the tracts without paying them although it is written: “...freely ye have received, freely give.” Matth. 10, 8. These ministries need financial resources to produce new tracts. It is not okay to think: “They shall ask the Lord to reimburse them.” You should inquire the price of the tracts and send 5 DM more, so more tracts can be printed and distributed for those that want to hand out tracts but really have nothing.
It is quite useless though to throw tracts into the mailboxes, because those in Germany are flowing over with advertising papers. It is a difference if I place a mailbox in Africa or in Hamburg. Then, in case people find it in between all these papers, they will throw everything together in the trash. When one placed “No advertising” at his mailbox, you are not allowed to throw tracts in, neither.
The intention is that they should be read. Therefore you always should hand out tracts personally, together with your testimony, and at the end of witnessing you have the possibility to give a tract:” Please go on reading in here, there is also my address... “
It is very important that we asked the Lord for this ministry, and that it is done by prayer, in the love of Christ, with a right portion of wisdom, tact and circumspection, faithfulness and humility. If there are shortcomings in one of these things we rather should not perform this service.  

d) Furthermore the believers who want to be active for Jesus do have the possibility to visit people at home or to visit the sick in the hospital. The Lord said one time: “I was sick and ye visited me.” Then they say: “What? When did we visit you?” “What you have done for one of the least of my Brethren, you did for me as well.”
If you carry out the ministry of visiting the sick you shall know, out of the mouth of Jesus, that you did it for the Lord and Savior Himself. For this ministry you need much love and humility, and it  should be done permanently. You need to identify yourself with the sick- except their sin. Much prayer is necessary thereto and wisdom with intercession .
Though there are many more deeds possible for the young convert  the main emphasis remains on the base of all deeds: our spiritual walk before this world as Eph. 1,4 describes.

We want to pray: Lord Jesus, we thank you that you teach us with manifold instructions that there are no casual workers in the Kingdom of God and no unemployed ones. Dear Lord, we like to be shaken out of our sleep which we love so much. Lord Jesus, we want to pray you also to realize the meaning of this verse and receive light about it: “Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.” - so we may realize that a sleeping person is found like a dead person before you. Like nothing can be accomplished with a dead person so a sleeping Christian is inactive and dead for You. Lord Jesus, we want to step out to do your will. Give us a “yes” inside. Help us to search this inner “yes” in already beginning and not search an easier or better task, but rather become active in the manifold works of the Kingdom of God. Help to make us willing and ready what you want us to do, Lord Jesus, to also carry out the basest work – that You are capable to lift us up into the greatest fruitfulness we can ever bring.
Lord Jesus, teach us also through this Word today to (get to) know You and to grasp the way You think and act and to take instruction through Your Word. Bless us, Lord, that You will be lifted up through Your people. Amen.

Part IV

We open again Psalm 119 to read verse 2: “Blissfully blessed are they that keep his testimonies and that seek him with the whole heart.” This is an accordance which humans cannot create: When we are found in agreement with the Word, when then the Spirit of God gave witness to our spirit that we are children of God and now walk  the way of faith at His hand, in His Word, in His presence, all this is of the Father of lights.
We are quite thankful that the Lord in His faithfulness and love gave  us all prerequisites to get through this desert -the world - undamaged. May the Lord help us to seek His testimonies with all our heart in seeking Him.

9. Now we want to reflect more details in the walk of the new believers who came to faith in the Lord Jesus. Also I intend to point out each of the blessings as well as each danger in order to display the growing life of a saved person.
Very often a term is heard among believers called “service” - as if this would be a ministry, but it is not in every case, according to the Scripture. False terms are used in the church of Christ and this is an important issue. It is the visit under God´s Word, generally called service. When we as believers assemble ourselves to build up our most holy faith, to teach each other, to comfort and edify each other in the Word of the truth as God gave the gifts to every single one (1.Cor.12; Eph.4) then not all of this is service. We should reflect on the differences between service and the other matters in these chapters of the Bible.

The sameness of our faith among and mutual love towards each other is a proof of our faith; the people of this world cannot generate such. God gave us the ability, 1. John 3,14, through His love to love each other, although we never knew each other, never saw each other- through the Holy Spirit we can love each other (Rom. 5, 5). Therein we manifest the true companionship which the Scripture means and this should never be undervalued by young converts although they understand many things too less. Appreciate the companionship in obedience towards the Word of the Bible in Hebrews 10,25: “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together....” It´s God´s Word teaching us. Do not miss your testimony in neglecting it. For coming to the congregation is a part of Jesus´ testimony. And one thing is for sure: In the moment when we feel quite tired or even a little sick or we had plans to have a long sleep day and we still go – this is the greatest testimony and greatest honor given to God. And thereupon lies the most blessing.
This testimony keeps us together, who belong to Christ does Paul state in 1. Cor. 1,9– the testimony of companionship. We Christians need loving companionship in a world, hostile to Christ, and this need is almost greater than the need for daily bread.

10. Some of the believers who are saved by the grace of our Lord run to and fro without orientation. You often see dogs running around and sniffing everywhere. They resemble believers who did not yet recognize their place in obedience to the living God. They are sticking their nose in everywhere – here today, there tomorrow, seeking some new, “tasteful” truths preached over there. But when we found the truth, which is Christ – what do we need else than such which presents itself as truth through His Word?

I give a serious warning against the naive thinking you would have to test everything, to hold fast which is good. This verse in 1. Thess. 5,21 proves in the whole context that young converts are absolutely unable to check teachings on false contents. We read something totally different than what superficial Christians have made of that verse. Not even old believers can expose false teachings, else this foam – world of mysticism would not have hit the children of light. The latter do easily fall into severe errors and delusions. A pharmacist, even if he studied for ages, will also not check his poisons by drinking a good amount of every small bottle to evaluate it´s characteristics.

Allow Jesus to ground you in the Word- we are exhorted to do so. And the church of Christ today almost everywhere is not firm in the Word. Sometimes I feel like in a pond with frogs. All you hear is croaks – unclear preaches. Why is there so few to hear of the Spirit of truth who is fundamentally anchored in the Word of the Lord?
If you seek and reflect more Christ Himself in the Scripture you will be protected from corrupt, false teachings. I may say it more clear: You will be protected from the devil then. He is smarter than our wisdom reaches. We do have problems with wisdom anyway, let´s be honest, the Bible says we shall ask for wisdom because we are in want of it. Now, how often do you ask for wisdom in your personal prayers? And then you wonder if you got none, and you marvel that the devil sits in your neck.

Christ and His Word are protecting us from the false teachings which emerge now, in the end of today´s time of grace. Those things  come up faster than mushrooms after the rain.
There are believers with weird convictions. One of them said we would have to grasp Christ by brooding. I held myself back. “Right”, one should have said, “that´s how you look like. There is a book: “Brooders, seers and enthusiasts.” You are among them.”

Take heed as well to never dispute with believers of a different way of thinking. Firstly, we all do err a lot (James 3, 12) and secondly God´s Word did prohibit us from disputing, see 2. Tim. 2,24: “A servant of the Lord must not strife.” We want to take this to heart.
Have you noticed that our Lord Jesus never disputed? Did you ever ponder how and why? He never got into a debate with anyone. And now we behold the traces of irrelevances in our earthly life, making ourselves conscious, that we never have to live a life as our Lord Jesus who was without sin, and knew by whom He would be killed. And in in all these things He never came into arguing with no human.

We want to further reflect the personal message of this matter addressed to us all. Young converts are anyway not able to oppose and resist false teachers especially the Jehovah´s witnesses. As a beginner in faith they are better of with holding their peace. With those people you will never come to an end, as if one would try to fetch water with a sieve. Such people need much prayer, concentrated on one person, and much work and grace of God belongs thereto. The Holy Scripture instructs us concerning our protection from certain sins, namely to flee them.
I may shortly show how twisted we believers are – even the children of light: Believers esteem themselves to be able to look into the eye of sin, also in opposing false teachers. God did not allow to do so. The Bible tells us: “Flee idolatry, flee the lusts of the youth, flee fornication, flee...” a whole list of fleeing from sins. Our position in Christ in relation to protection lies in fleeing from sins. In the moment we imagine to be strong and then look upon the things of sin we get overpowered by sin. What teaches God´s Word? - to flee from sins.

11. Now we look at the other extreme. Our soul–care team over and over constates that believers are scared of the devil. This is the most unfounded matter you can ever imagine. Jesus the Lord did defeat the enemy on the cross. It is a question of faith. To the amount we believe the Word of God He sees us in faith. When I believe the Word of God, that the snake is defeated, then I have a foundation of faith through which Jesus will lead me out of these things, towards the goal, whereby it might vary in time.

What does the Bible say about our behavior towards the devil? Shall we flee from him? - No! The Bible admonishes: “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James  4,7. Children of God  take off because they are scared. They have fear because they are not fundamentally equipped enough with the Word of God in faith, therefore they flee from the devil. But the Bible prohibits to flee. Does the Bible tell us if we resist in the right way then the devil will walk away? - No, he will flee! Then we are standing right in faith. The Bible predicts that he will take off, he will flee – not we.

Why should we not let His wonderful Word and especially let the Lord Jesus Himself equip us anew with a total new gear of faith? Many believers think the faith they already received from God is enough for they are saved, for they repented. This was just sufficient for repentance and salvation, but not for the spiritual walk.

We want to learn from Josef concerning the things we just regarded. As he was a slave in the house of Potiphar, and sin was offered unto him, we read: “And Joseph fled out of Potiphar´s adulterating house.” Even if he was put in prison therefore- this was suffering for Jesus´sake. He was ready to suffer for Jesus. That´s why he became the second man in power over all Egypt. His position was right after Pharaoh. All Egyptians had to throw themselves down at his feet when the bell before him ringed. All Egyptians had to bow down before this Josef, this Hebrew.

Jesus alone can lift us up and He wants to, when we are ready to be entirely at His service, the service of faith. This is the beginning.
In cases like with Joseph the best method ever is to flee sin. Even if the world entices with dance and manifold pleasures, tempting you as once the snake in the garden Eden tempted with enticement, it is best to flee, see 2. Tim. 2, 16 -22.
Now sometimes on our way of life we are called to “Withstand the devil”. Do not withstand sin. Maybe we have noticed that. Why? Because Jesus overcame our sins on the cross. And all sins that we still commit did Jesus overcome on the cross, but we did not overcome them for we have not been overcomers. And the Lord Jesus wants us to become such. Therefore is said 7 times in the 7 church letters: “To him that overcometh I will give...” You shall become an overcomer.
(The verse in Rev. talks in first meaning about the salvation and in second meaning about the heavenly reward for the saved people, Rem. Transl.)
The instruction in James 4,7: “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” is to be performed with spiritual devices and not with a flail, of course, and it also cannot be done by the power of the flesh. We should stay sober to realize that our strength is not enough to fight the evil one. But in Christ and in the faith He gave us – this faith is enough to carry away the promised victory if we go forward in obedience of faith.

The enemy carries the temptations to the believer in manifold ways. Not everything is sin straight up. But the devil also creates circumstances by which he pulls us away from reading the Bible and from prayer and this is sin of omission. Then we don´t give Jesus the place in our heart which He desires.
Dear Brothers, Sisters and friends, the Lord good Shepherd does not fight with us for the first place since we shall free the main place for Him. You and I have to make room in taking out sin so Jesus can get to the center. Think of the report about Jacob - before he went up to Bethel, he demands from his ones: “Put away the strange Gods that are in your midst.” Genesis 35, 2 Do we understand? Strange Gods occupy the center, also in our hearts. They always take up the center. The people in whose heart Jesus does not occupy the center are idolaters.
Especially TV, but also profession and politics – actually children of God have nothing to do with politics but politicians – cultural things, everything about school and humanism: everything that we do without assignment from God is done on base of our flesh. Even if this flesh is pious – God cannot use it.

If a believer refuses to reject the worldly things to avoid so called “inner damage” and speaks: “No, if I reject everything I can be declared as fool.” The ungodly´s reaction is often derision or even railing. But what does it matter? For here begins an absolutely glorious companionship with Jesus. And I ask you now: Are you ready for this? This is following Jesus. This is where it starts. The Savior will bless us abundantly, then. Today every cheeky kid on the street can use dirty words against us. Do not reckon it to them; the Lord is coming soon, they are lost – eternally lost. Do even love them in the state that they are in, maybe some turn around to Jesus. With sufferings which are willed by God we receive a total new joy in Christ. New, great peace and new blessings are the result.

Take heed to not laugh with the ungodly world which is ripe for judgment. It cannot be emphasized enough - caution! This type of laughter is not given by the Spirit of God, leave alone laughing at ambiguous jokes. As long as we love and seek joy in the things of this world our joy in Jesus is tiny. In the world is no joy in Jesus. So, stop this nonsense – but thereto it takes mostly growth, and growth is an attribute of a child of God, in particular when he or she became one not long ago.

Already here on earth is the joy in the Lord our strength. Do you desire to be strong in Christ? What does Paul write in Eph. 6,10? “Finally, my Brethren (and Sisters – mostly the Brethren are addressed but the Sisters are meant as well), be strong in the Lord.” - Oh, may the Lord see the strength in Him at us! Jesus can also become the victor over very personal sin and over your personal character, if you want. We will once get to know outstanding great joy when we will be with Him. All the joy on earth is sadness against the heavenly joy. Yes, how will it be, when we will move in above, says one song.

12. When will we move in above? We are not capable to find out much about times and points of times, as the Scripture says, and therefore there is but few to state about the affairs which are in control of the Father. But some things we constate:

a) The Bible uses the term “fall asleep” only for believers. When the believer fell asleep, the mortal remains are laid in the grave but all that waits for the day of the first resurrection according to 1. Cor. 15, 51. The soul though, contains the personality, see John 3,3, and will be caught up unto Christ. The Bible teaches this in Luke 16; 23,43; Acts 7,59; 2. Cor. 5,1 and Phil. 1,21 certainly clear enough.

b) Jesus our Lord can come anytime. Imagine it would be today afternoon, then all those who did not yet get through to the new birth would be completely lost and stay lost forever. It is a severe, serious matter. Our decisions here have eternal consequences.
We are so glad that Jesus freed us from being lost, freed us from damnation, and gave us eternal life already here on earth. He, who said “I have life in abundance” , and wants to bestow it upon all humans. How foolish were we, if we were too comfort – loving in our flesh, if we were too lazy, too proud, too haughty to not let us give the gift of eternal life which is in the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
He searched us all those years, forbearing us, for we are only suffered to be here, and if we still honored not the Lord and let Him save us, after the Father sent the Son an atonement for our sins – how horrible, to not take His offer of salvation.

13. The Lord Jesus fulfills His Word of promise. What did He promise? “Behold, I will come soon.” No common human did say that, but the Son of God, not anyone, no politician, no v.i.p. - the creator has spoken. And furthermore He tells us: “I come again.” in John 14, 1 or Rev. 3,11 + 22 and Rev. 7, 12 + 20.
First Christ will resurrect the bodies of the saints that fell asleep; according to the Scripture those are genuine believers, and they will be risen each in a body of glory. The believers who are still alive on this earth will be changed, this is the term “clothed upon”; and both, all His ones, will the Lord take up into the air. And then we will be with Him all the time. This is a prophesy of none other than the Son of God. The believers will never be judged again and go lost (John 5,24), though their works will be manifested before the judgment seat of Christ after rapture, but for them there is no condemnation in eternity, Romans 8,1. The Lord expects us to believe this.

What an unimaginable joy and glory will be our inheritance in eternity with Christ; therefore it is worth to suffer here and to be persecuted, similar as our Lord. God wants us to have a “Yes” to His ways.
The anticipation of His arrival mightily drives His ones- those who took it into their heart in faith- to cleanse themselves from all filthiness of the flesh and Spirit (2. Cor. 7, and 1. John 3, 1-3).
May the Lord in deeply solidity put these things into our hearts that we don´t become forgetful readers, realizing this Word obligates us. If we don´t follow upon it we will become guilty against our Lord. He wants to save the lost, bestow grace on us and make us rich in Himself.

Part V

We open our Bibles and read again Psalm 119, 2: “Blissfully blessed are they that keep His testimonies and that seek him with the whole heart.”
We may especially joy in the Psalms; those words of God that sometimes hit the nail on the head more than ever in our personal  relationship with the Lord. When we ponder this verse every time anew the Lord also conveys to us new thoughts about the same  time and again. I believe we don´t take our Lord Jesus and His Word serious enough in seeking Him “with the whole heart”. When we look at the people of the Occident in Germany we see at the end  they went into damnation because of refusing (the Word of) the Gospel. This means they did not seek the Lord with their whole heart.

When believers are not found in total agreement with God´s will, if they still have to fight with the things of sin from morning to evening, and some even in the night, then they did not seek the Lord with the whole heart; this is the reason.
Being demonically burdened does not hinder to deliver one´s whole heart, for God knows plenty of methods and ways to lead us out of all afflictions and distresses of the heart. We need to hear the question: How does it look like in your heart concerning the correspondence of obedience to Christ? Are you really in this spiritual place where you can seek the Lord with the whole heart? You cannot expect that the Lord hears your prayer, else. You can never tell Him: “Lord, you promised in the Bible...” if you, on the other hand, do not seek Him with the whole heart. There is something wrong in your life if you ask things from the Lord but you, at the same time, are not found in the state out of which the Lord wants to hear and fulfill our requests and calling.

Before the heavenly glory starts there are laying gigantic divine blessings which the Lord wants to bestow upon you and me, but He can deliver them to us only as we search Him with the whole heart. May the Lord show how young converts are to behave in the following topic which we continually reflect now. May the Lord bestow grace upon us that we receive His teachings. He, Christ, gave us His “Yes” already. The question is: Does our “yes” correspond with the will of God?

14. Now we reflect our walk. On the pilgrim journey through this world, this desert, young converts still commit the sin of heedlessness. Actually we don´t want to do any sins anymore, neither further infect ourselves with the things of this world at all, but there are still sins with which the enemy overpowers us time and again despite all carefulness and love to the Lord. We have not learned enough to find out by which tactic the enemy approaches.
Therefore it is not necessary to get to know the devil, but to behold and comprehend Jesus more and more.
From the perspective of our stand of faith, obedience, and our state towards the Word we can make out the enemy through the grace of the Lord. Then we don´t have to be taken in by him. Though it is a fact that children of God still sin, as we read in 1. John 1,7, yet these are sins we can avoid. But if they else happen  they have to be cleared away.
“When we say that we have no sin, we betray ourselves”, 1. John  1,7 . Self-betrayers are betrayers as well, just as self- murderers are murderers, too. Jesus came because we were captured under the burden of sin and could not save ourselves, neither by the philosophy of self – redemption.

As soon as somebody performed a genuine repentance (I avoid the term: came to faith, because everyone believes something)- despite he continues sinning he will still keep his eternal life forever and can never loose it again.

Sins committed by a child of God do not require a new repentance. I had a conversation with a young man once. As I asked him if he is born again the man answered: “I already repented eight times.” I told him: “You ought to be ashamed. God is not deaf!” He did not believe the living God seven times. When confessing his sins – he did not believe that God is faithful and just to forgive him and thought God has to become faithful and just, first. There is nothing alike written in the Bible. God is faithful and just.
He waits for us to confess our sins before Him. We only have to read correctly. For if we confessed them He does not want to remember them anymore, Hebr. 10,17. Maybe we must surrender our lives to Jesus eight times because we did not believe in His Word and this is the point: He gave His Word to us to believe in it.

The Lamb of God eliminated all our sins in paying for them, but the small and big sins on the way require the intervention, the intercession of the Holy Spirit on earth while Christ, the true High Priest, represents us up in heaven. It is wonderful – the Holy Spirit here, and the Son of God to the right of the Father, who is taking care of our infirmities at the same time does the Scripture explain.
Did we take note? An infirmity is not necessarily a sin, though it might become one. Jesus represents us before the Father so we can be sure of the protection of our status as child of God on earth as in heaven. This should be an encouragement for us in our faith, to judge the Word of the Lord faithful and to always ask for  forgiveness as soon as we realize our sins, think especially of Rom. 8, 34 or Hebr. 7, 25.

The Spirit of God has the intention to make us aware of our offenses in our hearts – else they cannot be forgiven. So the proud hearts of the affected believers will be bowed, bowed to the extend that they will not repeat the same sins again and again in their daily life. Through sins we always put something between God and us. Every sin which is not cleared up is a wall between God and us. The Lord loves us still, either way. It is not the matter of Jesus´ love to us, oh no – He went into death for love to a lost world. How much more does the good Shepherd love us, who belong to Him, who are bought with His blood. The love of Jesus is no human love but is unchangeable.
Yet the intimacy with the Lord suffers a lot. We should consider it as serious because our Lord is taking us for serious. The lost people of the christian Occident will once look with a stupid face that God took them for serious and they will be thrown into the lake of fire. Today an christian Occident does not count with God and once will have a fatal awakening.

The communion between God and a saved person cannot be interrupted completely by no sin, it is impossible. If someone has a son who behaves grievously bad, and the father declares: “You are no longer my son anymore.” he will still stay his son. God though does not say something alike. He has always thoughts of restoration for us, to increase the communion between Him and us again, to make it harmonic again and to remove all hindrances.

Now how is such a relationship to God altogether brought back into the old relationship of the first love? The only way is to judge ourselves and confess our sins, explains 1. Cor. 11, 31 and 1. John 1, 9. This is a solemn matter and much more than asking for pardon. In these named verses is nothing written about pardon, but about confessing sins to Jesus.
It is at all dubious when children of God sinned against each other, to utter: “Brother, I beg your pardon.” This is not appropriate. You can say “Excuse me” when you stepped on somebody´s feet in the tram, but here it is due to say: “Brother, please forgive me.” This goes beyond begging of pardon.
Can you perceive the deficient state out of which we want to treat our neighbour? In this behaviour is still a trait of haughtiness, and it proofs that our hearts are not taken up from what we confess with our lips. I formulate it specifically clear so nobody will go astray. Today´s time is the time of leading astray- a dangerous time.

So we ought to confess sins in calling them by name, and not just  say: “Lord, it was not really okay, pardon me; it is done, over, you died on the cross anyway and did shed your blood.” or similar. This will not work. You know, we should not take the easy way out concerning our sins, regarding it did cost Jesus´ life.
But He is then faithful and just if we, in regret and uprightness of heart tell the Lord concretely what we have sinned. Then the Lord of glory forgives us. He is glad to forgive us and cleanses us also. Those were the two testimonies given out of the side of Jesus. The soldier took action against Christ- who beard our sins, by piercing Him with a spear, and God answers from heaven above with the divine testimony, and forthwith there came out blood and water. These two testimonies of God against sinful humans were given because we have, next to the forgiveness in His blood also the purification in the water. He cleanses us through the water, an image of the Word of God, according to Eph. 5,26.

Now there are not a few people interpreting this water to be tap water, and even go as far as to transfer this meaning to other acts of faith. “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit...” explains the Lord in John 3,5 to Nicodemus, and people assume they can deduce the baptism from this verse for reason of their delusive interpretation. No, the water from John 3,5 is the one of Rev. 22,17: “And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” By no means you can get the same from the water supply, but from the source named Jesus.

The washing of the disciples´ feet in John 13 is an image of how Jesus serves us in cleansing us. Likewise shall we do by means of the Word, in forgiving each other, in soul-care and other services. Here not the outside act is emphasized, but the mindset. Some people interpreted this washing act literally. Brothers and Sisters, the service for the Lord is in the first place an inward service. It starts with the attitude. What benefit do I have if I wash the feet of my Brother but my heart is full of wrath towards him? Then I act contrary to God´s Word. The Bible meant our readiness of the heart to serve, which can only be seen inside. Jesus knows our hearts and sees all motives to wash the feet of the others; and He recognizes them much better than we do.

Since the feet do so easily get dirty and dusty on the way through the world which is a desert, they need to be washed. Some switch it and wash the other´s head instead (German proverb, means to give somebody a lecture, rem. Transl.) This is no service of love; therefore I have to haughtily lift myself up to be above my neighbour. But in order to wash his feet I need to bow myself. This is the position of a servant. Take note: Before I can convey divine love to my neighbour I firstly have to bend my body; and my heart is bend with it. Did we comprehend something? These images are given unto us to perform them spiritually. Humility is critically important for washing somebody´s feet. If I do not wash the feet of my neighbour in humility, it will be no blessing for him and for me, because the Lord gives grace only to the humble ones; the grace of the blessing - highly interesting. Those are the teachings of the New Testament.

We are not able learn true humility anywhere else, not in Bible college, but alone with Him to who´s feet already a woman did learn as He was here on earth. Of Him is written in Matth. 11, 29: “ I am humble from the heart” , that is something different than humble with the hands.
We believers are still sinning and know it, also commit sins in thought, lest anyone thinks “I did not lift myself up yet.” Between our thoughts and the performance is often but a tiny space, and the path from thoughts to deeds is short. Although these sins are in thought, they still matter. No sin can disconnect us from God as the unbelievers are separated forever from Christ and His divine grace but the companionship with our blessing Lord suffers.
How serious should we take the issue of sinning and the purification therefrom, to not wait till the evening, but confess Him right away our transgressions. The best is to name them in regret right away, because we will forget them else, being occupied with thousand things a day, yet the Lord tells Mary: “”But one thing is needful”. We want to find out this one thing in the Bible, which the devil always tries to hinder. The devil uses thousand things to keep you away from prayer and reading the Bible. You just have to give him your little finger and that will not be the end of it.

Following Jesus requires discipline and chastisement, remember that. Important verses like this one should be on the wall next to your bed and certainly in your heart. You ought to settle the matter with sin right away in the small silent room of your heart when this sin you did is still “fresh”, there we have the best conditions. Then the devil has no chance to lie five hours to you: “It was half as bad, you must not take it too seriously.” The devil even creeps to us with the Word of God like he did with Jesus in the wilderness. The devil quotes a Word from Preacher 7,16: “Be not righteous overmuch.”
It is also God´s Word. Just as the Lord rejected the words of the enemy, although they were taken from the Word of God, we shall learn to discern, and accept nothing from the snake, even if he related it with the Bible. Every child of God should know the Scripture and the prayer room at home, as Matth. 6,6 requests.

What is due if we sinned against other people, especially in cases that seem to require compensation for our conscience sake? There is no general answer to this question, but upright believers create themselves more difficulties with the issue than they should. How firm should we be anchored in the Word of the teaching to stand clear in this matter else we become confused for the cunning of the enemy concerning our old stuff of sin, even if we are willing to confess such things and fix them.
Additionally, a lot cases are foggy, so it is hard to say with Apostle Paul: “And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offense toward God and toward men.” Acts 24,16. This Word can have tremendous effects on our lives and dramatic consequences. Yet the Word of God must be our principle. God can, if we unveil our mistakes to others, show mercy provided we act according to His Word in faith to Him.

Many years ago I could lead a young man to Jesus. He was a soccer fan and fan of beer. He spread much worldly smell, and I am a passionate non-smoker.
When I come to some place of smokers this goes beyond than just into my lungs: I smell idolatry. Also if Brethren try to tell me smoking would be no sin to them – I am asking: “Why do you emphasize it time and again?” Because their conscience is not alright before God – idolatry.
So the young man who smelled like the world was granted to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord. Though I was allowed to lead many people to the Saviour in all those years yet I never experienced a conversion alike; he capitulated completely before Jesus, perceiving himself as a sinner and unveiling all his life to me. I stated: “Friend, if you don´t report it you will be a playing toy for the devil all your life.” He answered: “They will put me into prison, then.” I appealed to him: “ Are you not willing to go to prison for the truth´s sake – do you not love your Saviour to this extend, who gave you eternal life?” You cannot imagine the colossal fight that started in the pitiable man. He broke down and assured the Lord to tell the police everything. I promised him to entreat God for help.

So, he reported it to the police and things took their course. Two months later there arrived a letter from court; they issued a subpoena for him. He was full of desperation. We spread the letter before the Lord like once king Hezekiah, called upon His name and besought Him to give relief. I said: “Now we cannot go on praying. The Lord is not deaf. He has heard our calling and however His decision will be – we want to accept it.” That was a hard time.

Three months later there came another letter from court. He opened it with shaking hands. They notified the proceedings got stopped. We thanked Jesus for His great mercy and blessed His holy Name. He did not let one of His children go into such a severe situation, who just was born anew and had to stand this test. It was a tremendous proof of divine intervention to me. At the court were no files anymore, one of them lost it. Therefore they wrote the case would be dismissed because of the “trivial nature” of the offense, in order to protect themselves from embarrassment. These are the ways of God. Jesus hears prayer. Now the Brother is dedicated to Jesus and walks with Him and became a blessing to many others. It might not be visible, but I am great-grandfather- yet only in faith.

Oh, if we only would count more on the Lord! He is able to prevent all bad consequences for us. Everything is in His hand. Why then do we not trust Him? It may end different than with the young man, but we are called to trust Him even when we are found guilty on base of the statement of God´s Word. However, the cases are not always clear and likewise it is also not possible to recompense every harm with money.
What shall we do, then? Let us behold: Believers of the new covenant do not stand under the law anymore but under grace. Consider how the Lord by grace forgave us all sins. Realize that  only by His grace as well He can compensate the consequences of the sins we confessed - the Scripture confirms ditto. So let us bring those sins, which we became aware of, to our God and Father in prayer in the name of Jesus. The Lord proclaims: “Cast all your worry upon me.” He meant “All”, and not “All, besides...” This is not written; you may check all translations. Look at 1. Pet. 5,7 and Phil. 4,6. “All” includes our sins, too. Both verses are speaking examples.

In addition we ought to ask the Lord for wisdom and light how to act best in incidents of harm from far ago. And when He gives His ones, who belong to Him, durable peace of heart, as He once pronounced: “Peace I leave you...” as answer for guidance, it may be not requisite to reopen such a case of old, especially if the same can not be cleared up. So first we need to evaluate the chance of  clarifying the incident. When you confessed your sins before the living God, beware to straighten them out with the affected people if there is no possibility for success; this just creates a mess.
Now if the Lord holds back His peace regarding such a sin, ask for light to be able to act as the young man did, in correspondence to God´s will – not yours - but just act with circumspection.

And I believe I have another precious advice for such dear, afflicted souls, which at the same time I recommend to be applied in other issues like occult bonds and their sinful habits and vices:

16. It is wise to entrust oneself to a soul-care-Brother, preferably one who has at all the assignment of the Lord to perform such service  in the church of Jesus. For first, we are in the end of time before the arrival of Jesus and therefore a special equipment is imperative. Secondly, only those whose eyes have been opened by the light of God are able to help for they don´t have a veil before their eyes.
A Brother who is bound, particularly in blindness, can barely help his neighbour, explains God´s Word – the blind lead the blind. It is written: “Again, I say unto you that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.” (Matth. 18,19) It is not feasible to pray for release if the soul-care-Brother cannot see the relevant bonds.

May the Lord bestow grace upon us to receive light about the effects of the treatment of young converts in relation to divine  blessings and regarding afflictions, sins, problems and distresses. And even if we have been walking with Christ a long time we still are allowed to take some of the consultation as practical advises and live them in our daily life and also in church. How are these advises turned into a reality? Not by giving lectures to others as one who knows or has heard....but in undertaking nothing - to be silent, to display the spirit of communion in the personal submission to the church. This is the will of God. The Lord considers us as unsuitable for other assignments as long as we are not inclined to learn humility and submission first.

Part  VI

We read again Psalm 119, 2: “Blissfully blessed are they that keep his testimonies and that seek him with the whole heart.”

This verse of the Bible excludes every indifference and lukewarm behaviour. In the life of God´s children much passivity is found. Satan uses the same as tool to achieve his purposes. The Apostle states: “...his intentions are not unknown unto us.” 2. Cor. 2,11
Since he is unable to defraud us of the wonderful price, the eternal life, hence the archenemy begrudges our fruits. When it comes into his mind that we shall become fruitful for the Lord to receive eternal reward in addition to eternal life he is envious with foam on his mouth. That´s why the devil tries to make the children of light unfruitful. He begrudges what is promised to us in Christ. Yet we should seek the blissful blessedness with all our heart in keeping the testimonies of Jesus Christ and delight the heart of our Lord in everything.
We had stressed points that are important for a young convert, born anew- advises which require observance. The young believers have to be reminded on them repeatedly, yet for those walking on the path of faith a long time already it is essential as well to put their attention on these points again and again.

When I once perceived in my spirit the far reaching effects of both, the enemy and sin, it shocked me. The effect in the garden of Eden originated in only one single sin – just one. Look at the world now: For example saving few people out of billions required an army of preachers in those last 2000 years, time of grace.
And how is the situation as new born child of God? Could we say:
“I just need to read the Bible once and now I am okay.” ? No. The power of sin becomes manifest therein that we, for our spiritual walk, have to read the Word of God daily and pray daily as long as we live, so the power of God becomes an effective opposite pole against the one which was anchored in a sin. Do we understand now something about the power of sin?
But then we behold Him, our Lord, who overcame all that for humankind by finishing it. He proclaimed it (John 19,30). Therewith we stand on the side of the victor over this tremendous power of the one sin (in Eden).

17. a) It is highly important that we born again receive light and get rid of everything which the Word of God judges as obvious sins.  Our former walk has to be cleansed once and for all. This becomes dangerous if the devil involves himself in there.

A couple years ago I was called because of a young man who finished study of theology, and eventually comprehended Christ. His parents were Christians as well. But then he went from house to house, also to the neighbour villages and confessing his sins everywhere.
I told him: “Friend, the enemy has his hand in it! This is not according to God´s will!” He was not able to grasp my words. The parents noticed the remarkable change in him and believed it to be worked by God. I also had to enlighten them.
They did not understand, objecting they and their son were born again. Yet the new birth is no guarantee regarding the body upon which Christ passed sentence of death. It can still be confronted with the fiercest things of sin – but they ignored my warnings. Shortly thereafter he had to be put into psychiatry because it got totally out of control. He wanted to suffer with Christ and tried to hang himself, assuming that Christ did hang, too. Now they were forced by facts to admit his deeds originated from the enemy.
Through the grace of the Lord we were granted to intercede for the Brother in prayer. He could leave psychiatry and the Lord restored him wonderfully through soul-care. Later on he started serving the Lord in a congregation, saying it is unexplainable to him how he was capable to do such.

If some believers do not see clearly in this matter of confessing it is requisite to ask advice from older Brothers and Sisters.

b) Another point which needs to be mentioned is that young as old believers should take it very serious to remove personal enmities among each other and unforgiving behavior and gossip, which is, I believe, one of the mightiest weapons of darkness, for the demons themselves were found guilty of this.

My fellow Brother Alexander Seibel and I differ in general topics because we are allowed to have diverse amounts of knowledge.
He reported me slander from the theological school: They declared openly I, Brother Bergmann, would speak in tongues and had visions. I want to state openly now that I never spake in tongues, neither had had any visions at any time, but I am the fiercest enemy of the devil.
Brother Alexander then demanded from me to write them. I refused: “It is not my responsibility to set their declaration straight. They will not stop lying neither, so just let them talk. Those people are preachers of the Word and at the same time servants of Satan in practicing gossip and get payed by him, else these false teachers would not do it. They don´t know how dark they are and possessed, very clear. However – we got nothing to do with it.”
My fellow Brother has an eager zeal to lead “untruths” to the truth. What did people pin on Jesus – all together false testimonies, states the Bible. Jesus the Lord generated no strange zeal to unmask these lies. The same with me. I act in the opposite: I am thankful very much that the devil does not like me.

Christians are admonished to be forgiving in all kinds of personal matters, according to Matth. 6,14-15 and Matth. 18,21-35- these especially serve as guideline for us. We learn this attitude from Christ alone, through His Spirit (Luke 23,34; Acts 7,60; Col. 3,13 and Rom. 12,17-21).

c) Also young believers should not misuse the Name of God, by His grace. Teach yourself- not others -  to avoid “Oh my God!”.

d) Believers of all ages bring themselves in grave danger in relating with magic, particularly the religious connections to Satan in today´s time as talking in tongues, seeing visions or dreams. Those things are most important in the faith- world today, also in the religious world. Therefore we are required to put on he whole armor of faith, as Eph. 6,12-20 points out. Only this one protects us from all sorts of dark things -in which unstable believers recognize no danger- for such sorceries are covered with a religious coat; and because the devil comes as an angel of light they assume it would have been a person sent by Jesus.  
One of the most treacherous dangers is when the archenemy uses children of God to make us believe in his magic as if of God; he wants us to judge and say: “Well, he/she is also a child of God, so it is alright.” Yet the Bible exhorts to test the spirit, not to test the the Brother or Sister. For then we would have to test his/her divine filiation, but we are not authorized thereto. “Try the spirits”, the Bible demands, and one cannot do it because he is full of devils and this is the problem, the disease of the believers -TBC(in German)= devil- possessed- Christians, the effusive swarm of modern age.

In this wise the believers put themselves and their descendants under a severely dangerous ban. The Scripture warns: “Do not touch the unclean thing” (2. Cor. 6,17) and I add Acts 19,18-20 as well. Leave the unclean things alone is the message to us. Every connection to uncleanness, whether religious or atheistic does not make a difference, is to be dodged. We should keep such demands, so God´s grace may abound in us through our obedience. Antichrist is before the door and he is a religious person. He takes seat inside the temple as biggest opponent of God – a human of religion.

18. a) Breaking the chains of Satan does not mean to put another yoke of law on somebody´s neck. Christ brought freedom to His ones. The commandments of the Old Testament are fulfilled in our redeemer. Instead of keeping a law now we are called to purify ourselves as He is pure and to believe that the faithful Lord cleanses us – this way we purify ourselves and keep us pure, states the Scripture in Rom. 10,4 and 1.John 3,3.

Some Christians like to “sabbathize” and want others to participate in it. Not with me. For example I eat pork because Christ led me into freedom. If the Bible in the New Testament prohibited eating this animal I would follow the command. Yet since Christ gave me freedom to fulfill the inward service instead of the outward one of the Old Testament, I eat it.
We are further not under the law of the Old Testament which addresses only to non-born-again humans in the flesh. Paul confirms this significant important fact in the letter to Timothy (1. Tim.1,9). May our Lord give us the will to obey the words He spake through the mouth of His apostles to us born again, who belong to Him and are bought for the price of His blood from the world. (1. Cor. 6,20; 1. Peter 1,18-19). The Son of God himself testified: “If you love me you will keep my words” (John 14, 21+24). And the new born person (1.Peter 2,1) and all other Christians, too, should align their walk according to these words without deviating to the left or right.

b) Not a few believers assume the freedom of Christ allows them to do everything. “Yes”, certifies Paul, “but not all things are useful.”(1. Cor. 6,12 and 10,23). Surely God grants His children free choice in  outward affairs - with exception of sin, but certainly not all of these are expedient. Some believers tried to convince me smoking their beloved 30 cigarettes daily would be helpful for them. They attempted in vain. Others cite the very Bible verse. “Yes” reassures Paul, yet “I will not be brought under the power of any”, 1. Cor. 6,12. Now the problem becomes visible. How much is the church of Jesus overwhelmed by outward things and has become unfit. We shall not let the devil overwhelm us by none of his guile. Even though all things are allowed to me they do not all serve to edify the body of Christ (1.Cor.10,23). You, dear child of God, significantly emphasize the freedom promised to you in Christ concerning this matter for the single cause that you are strongly bound.

What a preciousness should Paul´s demand be to us all: “If you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all” says God´s Word, “to the honor of God” (1. Cor. 10,31). The question is whether the deeds you consider as useful are honoring God. You need to prove so, first. Oh, if we all would be willed to further learn about glorifying God - whether young or old.

19. Yes, may we do all to His honor – not to ours, and rank the outward aspects of our lifestyle correspondingly. Highly interesting therefore are our expenses of money, because God called us only as administrates and not as owners of material goods. And He is looking for the faithful ones among them, who are loyal in small matters. The Scripture explains: “Who is faithful in small things is faithful in big things, also” (Luke 16,10) – not contrariwise, as we prefer.
To this topic belongs the lovely, recommending– because it is biblical- habit of Christians, to dedicate a certain part of their income alone to the Lord and His affairs and to the poor, in particular those of the own nation, see 1. Cor. 16,1-2.
Every single one is responsible for himself to perceive how much he is meant to give. The work of Jesus in the time of grace is built upon freedom, therefore only the gifts freely conveyed to Christ will be rewarded in heaven. In the moment I force somebody through a law, he would have no reward, even if he donated three times much – because it was not of the heart. Beware from putting claims towards others; we will sin and pull also our neighbour in.

As prerequisite render yourself up to the Almighty, first. Actually to donate a hundred DM for missionary work is much easier than to yield oneself as whole offering to the Lamb of God; and have you ever done this? Jesus does not desire your money. He wants to have you. Do we comprehend? The first gift, which you need to bring your Savior is yourself, your own character, your own will, and the “I”. Stop giving money to God if you have not handed yourself over to Him. 2.Cor. 8,5 preciously shares that believers will act out of love and then the Holy Spirit will teach them step by step to lay back four percent, ten percent, twenty or even more.
I would not recommend to anybody to give the lawful ten percent of the Old Testament for he will receive the reward of the law. But one should learn to give in fact as Jesus the Lord gave. He said: “Learn from me.” And Christ sacrificed Himself wholly. He desires from everyone a whole sacrifice in correspondence with his/her state of knowledge. We are not to go beyond the knowledge of our neighbour and not use our greater understanding to put the other under pressure. God will not reward such behavior.
You should study about giving in the Bible verses as Prov. 3, 9; 11,25; Luke 6,38 and Rom. 12,13. Nobody may fear to become poor by giving: God receives gifts and then He rewards His child abundantly, think about Hebr. 6,10; 2. Cor.9,6-8 or Gal. 6,9-10.

20. Here is an advise which´s observance keeps from serious chastisement of God: learn not just to obey, but to obey fast, after you perceived His will in a matter. A wonderful instruction shows us the Scripture, illustrated by the live of a man who is named father of the believers (Gal. 4, Rom. 4) – Abraham. Genesis 22 treats the sacrifice of Isaac, his son. We see immediate obedience, reading: “And Abraham rose up early in the morning”. He could not go in the night but was waiting till the darkness left. Now early in the morning he did not use tactics of delay, as many of us do when it comes down to obedience; and we have thousand excuses.
The foundation for precious blessings of God is following right away.   I think there is a secret of obedience because the majority of believers did not comprehend how many blessings are therein, in seeking the will of the Lord to perform it. Seeking how? As the Psalm-writer says: seek “with the whole heart” to do His will immediately.
Abraham received great blessings therefore, Paul too and a lot others. Yet never will God demand to do something which would be harmful to us. Rely eventually on God and do not trust in yourself or humans. He has always thoughts of peace about us although He proves – out of love- our faith very often. Because an untested faith will not withstand. We learn to be led by God to a genuine faith through those tests.

21. The last advice is for all of us: to look away from the things surrounding us. Our hope is also not on the church of Jesus.   Looking away does not mean to wander around with the eyes but the instruction we read is to behold Jesus, “the beginner and finisher of faith” (Hebr. 12,2).
In these last days we will only have victory and be in correspondence with the will of God if we look more than ever up to Jesus, this center of peace, of truth, center of joy and of God´s love. Stop looking at humans; stop to look at Satan and on afflictions! Behold Him, our Lord, else you will be pulled into the swirl of influences around us. We live by faith on this earth, states Paul in 2. Cor. 5,7 – not by other things. But we shall be transformed in the image of Jesus Christ by beholding His glory spiritually, by His Spirit (2. Cor. 3,18)- a transformation not through a vision-spirit, but by His Spirit. Such spoke the Lord.

The time to see our bridegroom in person is at hand. Yet only by faith can we glorify Christ here on earth – not in heaven. There is no possibility to glorify God in heaven through faith, because it is given to us on earth. Oh, if we simply would glorify God more through faith! Until Christ arrives we have everything in Him, declares the Bible. Just like the Lord asked the disciples: “Have ye ever suffered any want?” I pose the question whether someone had want in the Word regarding preaching. His Word is life in abundance, John 10,10. We have the Holy Spirit as leader and  administrator who gives strength to walk according to Gal. 5,25. We have all sober equipment: grace, joy, peace, love, a secure hope and a glorious aim which Paul comments on: “Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil.3,13-14). There is our citizenship which means our home. This home is in heaven where from we expect Jesus the Lord and Savior who will transform this body of corruption into His likeness – the same form as Jesus has, in prophesying: “We will be like him, because we will see him like he is.” Concerning the likeness with His body of glory writes the apostle of the gentiles in Phil. 3,14+20-21; let us rejoice therein. There is much reason: we are saved, redeemed and taken out of the element named fire and sulfur in eternity.

How will that be – to see Him, who no human has seen yet - to behold each other eye to eye. When I ponder this I have exceeding glorious hours with my Bible and forget about time one hour, two, three...Brothers and Sisters, take your thoughts under the chastisement of the Lord and dwell with Him constantly. I assure you will experience glorious times soberly. Do not walk through the town looking around, then you also will not see the pornographic pictures. Dwell in thoughts with the Redeemer and talk with Him, praise the Son of God. Give glory to your Lord and tell Him everything. Jesus Christ though may bless us, because we have been cursed. He came to take the curse upon Himself by changing the curse into blessing. We are blessed in our Savior. Therefore we are called to bless others, a solemn matter. May we bless others to inherit new blessing from His fullness to the praise of His glorious name.

Who this Jesus is in reality we will never grasp in the state of a five- senses- world. Therefore He testifies: “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him” (1. Cor. 2,9).
You are granted already today to be led into unspeakable blessings of the communion with Jesus if you, like the psalm writer, seek Him with the whole heart. Just follow the advice of the Bible. Judge the world and everything connected with judgment of God, by your standing in the companionship with the good Shepherd. “Do not love the world”, exhorts the Word. To Him be all praise, to this glorious Lord and thanks and worship now already but certainly into all eternity.





