› ELB › Johannes 1
In 1. Mo 2 ab Vers 4 können Sie erkennen
Wie JHWH ausgesprochen wird, weiss man bis heute nicht exakt. JHWH könnte auch Jahwé ausgesprochen werden. Der Jude sagt der Name
hebräisch Ha Schem und meint damit Gott. In JHWH fehlen die Vokale, das bedeutet
Yud-Hei-Vav-Hei (יהוה or YHVH, in English)
Wenn Sie wollen, so ist das ganz sicher und verbindlich
ein Name Gottes, der biblisch belegt ist. Und diese Vaterschaft
And although they know that God is their Banner, they do not know that Yeshua is the prophesied Root of Jesse who will stand as a Banner to the peoples.
Israel also knows that the Lord is their Shepherd, but many do not yet realize that Yeshua is their Shepherd King who laid down His life for them and will soon return to completely fulfill every Messianic prophecy.
As for the world, so few know that the God of Israel is the one true God, and that He loves them and is reaching out to meet their needs and save them.
“Let them know that You, whose name is the LORD [YHWH]—that You alone are the Most High [Elyon] over all the earth.” (Psalm 83:18)